Friday, June 22, 2012

Overcoming Obstacles!

I have thought over and over about what I wanted to post about this week. Every post is very prayerfully considered because I want this blog and my business with Saba to bless people and help them live a healthier more joyful life. I want to do a post on Co-clenz and many of the other wonderful products that Saba offers but I just don't feel that I am ready yet. So, I decided to do a post that is a little more personal this week.

My business has just taken off since I started in March. I wanted to share a little more about what prompted me to start thinking healthy. Not only do I now have a second income, I also have all the resources to be as healthy as I can be! Let me tell you more!

More About Me!

One of my first posts was me putting it all out there about my weight loss and getting healthy journey. If you have not read that one, it can give you some insight about part of the reason I have become so interested in finding products that help you become healthy. I have also had some health issues through the years. All of my life I have struggled with anxiety and depression. In 2002, while in the process of having fertility issues, I was diagnosed with cervical cancer and had a hysterectomy 2 days later. Again depression set in and I began being treated for that.

 In 2004, I had gastric bypass surgery. That surgery is covered in the previous mentioned post. After this surgery it was neccessary for me to take extra supplements to compensate for the nutrients my body would not be getting from the part of my stomach that was removed.

About this time, my sister started researching natural remedies because of some issues that she was having and began sharing her findings with me. She became much more educated in this area than I was and I often depended on her for information in those matters.

In 2009, I had a perforated ulcer that I ended up having surgury for and this is when my sister introduced me to some natural remedies that would help the stomach, such as probiotics and aloe vera.

After graduating from college and becoming a kindergarten teacher, I began to have every new illness that my babies brought into the room! On top of flu, macroplasm, stomach virus', and every other illness, I began having strep throat about every other month. So for five years I basically walked around with strep throat. In the summer of 2010, I had my tonsils removed. I had no idea how bad I had felt until I had those tonsils removed. Again my sister had a big part in my recovery from this surgery and my adding several more supplements to my regimen to help keep me healthy.

Then, as I have said before, my cousin introduced me to ACE! Not only was ACE all natural but it had great things in it that I was already taking, such as B12. The energy we get from ACE is amazing and I still can't believe that Donald has lost 30 pounds in 13 weeks!

About a month into my Saba business I went to a training meeting and learned about Saba's Pomegranate and Borojo juices. I have done a post on these too. At the time of my post I did not realize what a difference these two juices were going to make in our and other's lives! These two juices have all the nutrients in them that I was already taking. So now, I basically take an ounce of juice at night and an ounce in the morning, instead of taking a hand ful of capsules like I have in the past. I still take a few of my others but I have decreased my pill intake from about 12 to 3! That save money too! I love it.

Every time I go to a meeting or talk to someone who is taking Saba supplements, I find out more that they do! For instance, ACE customers have reported healthier nails and hair. Pomegranate juice is being used by the Amish to treat their children with ADHD. I guess if it is natural enough for them, it is pretty natural. Borojo juice helps to break down fat cells, allowing them to release the fat, causing inches lost! There are other things that are helped with these supplements. Such as fibromyalgia, blood pressure, cholesterol, allergies, anxiety, depression, ADHD, stomach issues,diabetes and soooo many more!

All I know is that we are feeling great and we are making extra money! I am having rave comments about all of Saba's products every day! I even know of people who have come completely off of blood pressure, cholesterol, depression, and allergy medicines because of the health changing ingredients in Saba supplements! I don't know if you can tell but I am super excited about these products. I would love to tell you more about each one! Contact me today for more information. Or..... leave your success stories in the comment box below. I would love to read them and know everyone else would too!

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