Tuesday, September 4, 2012

And the Winner Is!

As you know, Donald and I had a booth at the Sweet Tater Festival in Crane Hill, Alabama this past weekend. It is a 2 day show and last year was canceled because of weather. Well, this year I was afraid that just might happen again. While getting set up Sunday, it rained. My back got soaked and then, in my smart way, I decided to pull the end of the canopy down AND- you got it- my front got soaked too! Then it cleared up and the people started coming! It turned out to be a beautiful day and I dried out.

It stormed all night Sunday night and we were tempted to cut our losses and salvage the day! I am glad we changed our minds.By the time we got set up and recovered from our canopy being demolished the night before (thank God the man across the isle had one we could use) the sun was showing and the day again turned beautiful.

We met many people who had never heard of ACE and the Saba products. Many of them decided to purchase the trial pack offer and begin their journey to being more healthy and slim. Because so many people will be needing to refill their stock of ACE, I am extending the Sweet Tater Festival specials that I posted last week. You can find those here FESTIVAL SPECIALS. You can take advantage of these specials through next Sunday, September 9th. Call, text or email me with your order.

Now to the part that everyone has been waiting on! I had lots of people sign up for a chance to win a FREE 30 pack of ACE! I wish I could give them to everyone but that just doesn't make good business sense. I am very excited to announce that the winner of the 30 day supply of ACE is:

Congratulations Cindy!

Please contact me with your address and I will get those out to you right away!

I would love to hear what each of you think of the ACE trials that you purchased this weekend! Please contact me any time and let me know how I can help you! acestome@hotmail.com 256-338-9687

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