Saturday, September 8, 2012

New Jeans= New Attitude!

As you know, Donald and I had a booth at the Sweet Tater Festival last weekend. We met so many nice people and many people purchased trial packs to try ACE for the very first time. I have heard from many of them but I have just discovered today that I had several emails that had gone to junk mail and a couple of voice mail messages that I did not receive until today. If you were one of the people who have not heard back from me, PLEASE call or email me again. I promise I am not ignoring you. Technical difficulties! Not good for business I tell you.
Now back to the point of this post! When we got ready to go to the Sweet Tater Festival last week, Donald got dressed in his ACE t-shirt and jeans. Well, the jeans were about 3 sizes to big and he looked like some sort of hobo! So we went after the festival Sunday night and the only thing that was open was Walmart. It was 8:45 when we got there and Cullman Walmart closes at 9:00 on Sunday night. I know probably the only one in the country that still closes. So we grabbed a pair of 34s and ran to the register.

Monday morning while getting dressed, he discovered that the 34s were also loose! Woohoo right? Well yes but not so great for advertising our product. At the point we had no idea what size he would be wearing but were elated and quite surprised that he needed new jeans! We have not done weigh ins in a couple of weeks because we have not been here on weigh in mornings so we really didn't know where we stood.

Last night we decided that it was time for him to buy some new jeans at a department store because he really doesn't want to lose any more weight. Which, by the way, puts us both at our goal weight!! Woohoo again! I had a coupon to Goody's so out we headed. We started with 34s still convinced that is what he needed and the ones we got just didn't fit him right. Nope, not 34! So we tried 33s. Nope not 33 either! So----- 32s? This was beyond belief because he has not been a 32 since high school! But, low and behold! 32 it is!

If you have been following our progress and have ever wondered if ACE really works, I gotta tell you IT DOES! We have never found anything that has worked for him so easily! He just takes one or two in the morning 6 days a week and wallah! size 32 waist here you come!!! Don't wait another minute to get the results you have always wanted. Call or click that button today and get your life back with ACE!!!

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