Sunday, May 6, 2012

The Magnolia Festival

This week's post is a little late because I have been busy getting ready for my first big show as a Saba Associate! The Gardendale Magnolia Festival was May 5th. I had a great time. My mother, Sue Hinkle, and my sponsor, Toni Perrin came out to help me with the show. Donald ended up off of work, so he helped too! I am so blessed to have such wonderful people in my life. I said before I didn't want to preach but isn't it funny how God puts just the right people and opportunities in your life at just the right time? Donald NEVER ends up off work on Saturday!  So I know it was meant for him to be there! But I digress......

We met lots of wonderful people yesterday who are ready to take control of their lives and be healthier and more energetic! I hope that each and every one of you have great success with your ACE and I would love for you to share your success with us here in the comments section. Please make sure that you check out my other posts to learn more about our products and let me know if I can do anything more for you!

We had a drawing for a free 30 pack- AND THE WINNER IS................................

Clay Phillips!

I am waiting on Clay to send me shipping information and I will get that right out to him! Thanks for visiting my booth!

For every one else, there is still a chance to win a week's worth of ACE! I am waiting for my Facebook page to reach 100 likes and I will do a random drawing to give away a week's worth of ACE. If you haven't liked the ACE page yet. Please do that today!

Didn't get a chance to attend the Magnolia Festival? You can still take advantage of the special on a 60 capsule bottle. I am extending the Magnolia Festival special of 10% off of a full bottle through May 15th! You can go to the ORDER NOW link and use the PAYPAL button or contact me through email, text or phone! I will get it right out to you! Of course if you are in the Trussville area, my mom has bottles at her shop, Trussville Hair Co. and you can run by there and pick a bottle up at the same price!

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