Much of the first nine weeks, which ended yesterday by the way, is spent teaching these babies how to be at school, how to work together, keep their hands to themselves, drying eyes that still want Momma, buttoning pants, and tying shoes. That is just a start! I love my job. This part of my job is part of what makes my job so rewarding. It is also the part that makes August through September totally committed to Kindergarten! That is my explanation as to why you haven't heard from me in a while.
I do however have lots to report. Even though, I have not been working my business as diligently as I was in the beginning, people are still having great success on the Saba products, the associates under me are still growing their business and therefore, mine has kept steady even though I have not had the time to commit that I would have liked. I say this because I am so thrilled that this business keeps running when I am not able to give it the attention it deserves.
If you have been considering ACE, Saba Pom or Borojo or any of the other products now is the time. I have many customers dropping weight, getting healthy and feeling better because they have taken the opportunity to purchase the products from me, becoming a preferred customer to receive wholesale discounts, or becoming an associate and receiving those discounts while making money and helping others too! I love this business.
I also have to share a personal realization about the products and the health benefits. As I said, I have been super busy since school started. With school, church, family and Saba obligations I had let my regimen with the Saba juices slide. We usually take the Borojo in the morning and the Pomegranate in the evening religiously! Donald has been much better about it than I have lately. His schedule or lack of it, helps him to think more about what he needs to get done each day. I, on the other hand, try to have a very structured day and when my days get out of whack I tend to forget to do things that need to be done. So, sit and listen (or read) to a story about a girl named Denise who thought she was so impervious, she forgot to take her juice! LOL sorry couldn't help it!
Two weeks ago, I broke a tooth! It was very painful. I was prescribed some pain medicine by the doctor until I could get it fixed but I had two full days that I was not able to sleep because of the pain. I missed a day of school and got my schedule all of whack. I did however, remember to take my ACE because it sits on the bedside table with a glass of water so that I take it before I even get out of bed. I got my tooth fixed and had to wait a week to get a permanent crime. Needless to say, I missed my juices for 4 days. That doesn't seem like a lot but I assure you, that the little germs that come in the kindergarten room can find any crack in the immunity armor to sneak in through. Let me tell you, I must have created a ravine!
Monday I got up with what I thought was a case of seasonal laryngitis. By Tuesday, I could not talk at all. My kids got a kick out of this. I was a little stuffy but still didn't think it was a big deal. Wednesday we had our last Financial Peace University class at our house and I was still having difficulty talking and was beginning to cough. Thursday I was feeling a little worse but we had another class at our house on Thursday so no time to slow down. By Friday morning my chest was hurting and I was running a fever. Friday afternoon, I went to the doctor. Today I sit here after begin diagnosed with a sinus and bronchial infection with a touch of pneumonia. After two shots and four prescriptions, I am beginning to feel better.
I absolutely believe that missing the juices very much contributed to this sickness. I have not had even the sniffles since beginning the regimen of juices. I think it took so long for the sickness to spread and for me to feel bad because I had gotten back on them and the immune properties were working on my body. I assure you that I will not miss another dose! BTW- Donald never missed a dose. He absolutely believes in the juices. He even ate off of my fork Sunday night and did nothing to protect himself from this sickness. I have to say that I am a little jealous.
On an up note, when I went to the doctor I had on cowboy boots, jeans, a t-shirt and jewelry. When I stepped on the scale, I STILL weighed less than 150! Woohoo, can't tell you how good that felt! I love my ACE!!!
I know that some people have checked out the Saba juices and thought that they were expensive but I am going to tell it is worth it. We have other products that promote help, as well. I received this message from my sister this morning, who is not a Saba associate but has become a preferred customer in order to get the wholesale discounts. I know you have heard me say before that she is very knowledgeable about natural remedies and medicines. She has studied it for many years.
Hey, I saw that you are sick. That stinks. I have a recommendation. Get some of the Digest Ease that Saba has and take it. Three times a day and double up if you eat a heavy protein. I can go into a more specific explanation later but the brief explanation is this: Everything is connected to your gut. Undigested food backs up in your colon and when that happens, toxins are secreted in your lymph system. Your lymph system gets over burdened and your white blood cells can't fight off infection. The digest ease has probiotics and digestive enzymes in it. The probiotics give you good bacteria which helps fight bad bacteria. The digestive enzymes break down protein which would also eliminate any parasites that you might have. We've been doing the juice and the digestive enzymes. The juice is good for giving you stuff that you need but you need something to help eliminate the stuff you get that you don't need. Just trust me on it. It works!
So the Digesteze will be on my next order and added to my regimen! I hope that you will all have a healthy and happy week. I intend to do better from here on out with my posting. I hope you all got my email about my October special. From now until October 31st, receive 6 free capsules when you order a 30 pack or 60 cap bottle! I would love to hear your Saba stories too!
Contact Denise Thrasher 256-338-9687 or