I haven't posted in a couple of weeks. We have been VERY busy! It is amazing how much can happen in two weeks when you are thinking back over it.
We celebrated our 15th wedding anniversary! Yes, we are still going strong after 15 years and happier and healthier to boot! I can not believe that in the last four months our lives have changed so much. Just by chance! We have improved our lives physically, financially, emotionally, and spiritually! God is truly using all the things in our lives to bring about wonderful changes.
15 years of wedded bliss!
Of course when good things happen, you also get attacked! Whether it is through a stupid mistake that you made yourself or something that inadvertently happens, the evil one will jump on and use anything that he can to try to discourage you! I was supposed to run a booth at my school system's back to school conference and because I am an employee and some things happened and were done that go along with that employment, I was not able to do that. These issues came down to the talk of my even losing my job! You all know that I LOVE my job as a kindergarten teacher and it is absolutely what God called me to do, so this was a perfect place for me to be attacked! Although, I missed the conference, the rest worked out. Although, like so many other things, this seemed devastating at the time, good things came out of it and all is good again!
I have signed up 4 new associates under me and am proud to say that I made director in July! This means that more people are learning about our wonderful Saba products, getting healthy and making some extra income in the process. This is on top of my numerous new customers that I have added to my customer base! I love this business.
Donald has steadily continued his weight loss. He has been working hard and we have had a crazy two weeks but he has continued to make time for his workouts and is still diligently taking his juices and ACE. I didn't record a weigh in this last week because I was not at home to take a picture. He said he tried to take a picture himself but the camera made him weigh more! LOL I didn't think about that! He was actually up .4 pounds. This is probably because of the working out because I can really tell that his body is changing. I think he has lost 20 years in the last 4 months! I actually kept thinking that the picture program had stretched the picture from last summer so I didn't crop this one! He has even lost in his head! Notice the smaller ski too. He couldn't do that last summer.
Summer 2011 Summer 2012
We have also had the privilege of spending time with some of our wonderful family. We have done Six Flags with my sister and her family and brought my beautiful nieces home with us. Then we spent the last weekend at the lake with my cousin and her family.
In the midst of all of this, I fell down the hill mowing the grass and have had to suspend my workouts for the last two weeks. I have had and MRI and am praying for the best. I hope to hear today.
So you can see we have been quite busy! I do think that one of the reasons we have been able to sustain at this pace is our new found health through ACE and all of the Saba products we are now using! I am excited to be going back to school next week and enjoy the energy and health I am experiencing for a new school year. I have enjoyed my summer but am ready to get back to a normal routine!
Feeling ACEstatic at the lake! LOVE MY SABA!
Are you ready to take control of your health and future? Contact me today to see how ACE and Saba can help you! Denise Thrasher
acestome@hotmail.com or text or call 256-338-9687