This week has been a mix of emotions with my new business. I enrolled two new associates! Yay! I hope they do as well as I have with their business. I got my first commission check! Cha-ching! I have been hearing great things about people's progress with A.C.E and the trial packs and product are flying out of the house. All of these things are absolutely awesome! I loooooove A.C.E!
But...... like any endeavor, there have also been some negative things come my way. Before I share those, I think it is important that you understand my intentions in beginning this business. You know that Donald needed to lose some weight and had not been successful with other things that we had tried. What you don't know is that we had found out very recently that we needed to raise a large amount of money in a fairly short amount of time. So I had been praying about both of those issues. About the same time we found this out, my cousin casually mentioned A.C.E. For about a week, that name kept running through my head. So I asked her to get her associate to send me some samples. As I said before, Donald loved it!
This is the important part...... I diligently prayed about this opportunity. I researched the ingredients. I searched for information. I talked to people who know health food. Then, I decided that this was an opportunity for me to help others, like myself, who have struggled with energy, weight and health issues while hopefully making some of the extra money we need! I think the way my business has taken off is proof that this is a great opportunity. My intention with this blog was not to preach but to help people live better and healthier lives. However, I know that God has gotten me to this place in my life and I would be remiss if I did not give him the credit for this opportunity too!
So, having said all of that, when things are going good there is no way that the devil is not going to take that opportunity to attack you if he gets a good chance. First, Donald and I both gained this week. He gained 4 pounds. I gained 2. I hope you have already read the post about his weigh in. I think there are very good reasons for this. We both ate crazy Sunday and then again Monday night with very salty Chinese food. On top of that, I had one of those PMS days Tuesday and ate every chocolate thing I could find! I had taken my A.C.E that morning but have discovered that even if you don't want it, you CAN make yourself eat it, if you are having a pity party! lol I am over that now and back on the straight and narrow! For those of you that have experienced the let down of no weight loss or maybe a gain I wanted to share something that was posted on our associate page by another associate.
So I just had to share this for all of you who are either discouraged or have discouraged customers! My mother in law started ACE about 2 months ago or so! First month goes by and she didn't lose one single lb. but she loved the energy and appetite control so she bought another month! I went to take her more ACE the other day and she was down a whoppin' 20lbs in just a little over a month! I was amazed! Moral to story is that it took awhile for the ACE to start working but boy when it did, it started melting off and this is a women who has struggled for YEARS to get off any weight! Yay, Yay, Yay!!!!!
So I expect that there will be a great big loss next week. I don't see how there couldn't be! I have been watching people melt away for over a month! I know this stuff works!
I have also found out that there has been some negative press flying around out there about A.C.E. and this week it came flying right at my head! lol
It seems that the ingredient Geranium Extract has been under attack. It's scientific name is 1,3 – dimethylpenatlamine or DMAA in the weight training world. This ingredient has been banned by many professional athletic associations and the military. This greatly concerned me when I got an email from a prospective customer stating her concerns about this ingredient. I did find the articles that she found but as I dug deeper, the truth came to light. This is what I found:
There has been contrasting reports on whether 1,3 – dimethylpenatlamine is synthetically enhanced in order to be effective. One source says yes. Another says no. My director went straight to the source for this one, the owner of Saba. He assures us that there are no unnatural ingredients used in the making of A.C.E. The company is actually in talks with lawyers to combat the bad press that is being put out there by competitors in this regard. We should have an official disclaimer on this very soon.
Also, as far as it being banned, it seems that this ingredient shows up as an amphetamine in drug tests, just as poppy seeds do. It was banned because they didn't want to spend the money to do further testing to prove that it wasn't.
I did find that many workout enthusiasts have abused this ingredient. They take it full strength as a performance enhancer which is dangerous because it is a natural diuretic and can cause kidney failure if abused. So just like all good things- chocolate, tylenol, loritab (lol) it can have adverse effects if abused!
I think this was important for everyone to know and I believe that this person was truly trying to be informative with no malice intended. I appreciate her sharing her concerns and allowing me to educate myself in the process.
However, the attack that I experienced on Facebook, I do not believe was well intended. This person had never tried A.C.E. and only had second hand knowledge of it from the internet. These comments have been deleted and I have tried to let it go. I do believe that it proves a point though. When you are doing something worthwhile, there are always bumps in the road. The enemy will attack you in anyway possible. I am not sure this person even realized how her rant sounded. I am not going to go into what she said but for anyone who read it before it was deleted, be assured her claims were false.
To sum up this very long post, I would like to assure you that A.C.E is the #1 selling weight loss supplement in the country! A.C.E. works! Saba is a great company to work for! Success is coming my way! I have been put in touch with a wonderful team of associates that are supportive and encouraging! I believe God has put me on the road to not only health and prosperity for myself but also allowing me to help others do the same. That is my goal here. Plain and simple!
If you would like a trial pack, would like to order, or would like information about this amazing opportunity, please call or text me at (256) 338-9687 or email at
Friday, April 27, 2012
Friday, April 20, 2012
Seeing What Works
Every time I get on here to make a new post I am so excited and I feel like I must tell everyone how much I love A.C.E! Donald and I, and many of our friends, have been using for over a month now. I wanted to do a post telling about what people have found that did and didn't work for them. Every time I turn around I am more impressed with this product and the company that makes it!
When should I take it?
We take our A.C.E first thing in the morning. I work out when I get up and this gives me a boost before I start my workout. I am NOT a morning person, so I have to MAKE myself get up to work out. Taking a capsule first thing and drinking my water helps me not feel like I am sleeping through the first part of my workout and I have seen an increase in my endurance during my workouts.
Donald also takes his first thing in the morning. He often does not get a full 8 hours sleep because of his schedule and this helps him get up and get going. He also reports that it works all day and his cravings and hunger are still controlled well into the night.
There are others that have been taking their A.C.E. around mid morning. They have found that they need more energy and hunger control later into the evening and taking it around 10:00 helped them control those cravings later. One person has even reported taking it around 12:00 because the mornings were not an issue for her but the afternoons were.
As long as it does not interfere with your sleep, you should experiment and see what works best for you.
How many should I take?
Many people are still taking just one a day. One a day with a skip day seems to be sufficient to help Donald control his hunger and give him the energy he needed. If one a day works for you, stick with that.
There are several people who have begun to take 2. I have found that the people who tend to need more are the people who already were taking in a good amount of caffiene during the day. It seems that if their body was already used to a great deal of stimulant, it took more of the A.C.E to be effective for them.
I and several of my friends have decided to try the shock your metabolism method. I am so close to my goal that I am losing more slowly so I have decided to stagger my doses until I meet my goal. I took my off day on Sunday with no A.C.E. Then Monday and Thursday (day before weigh in) I took one in the morning and one around 10:00. The other days I took just the one in the morning. This was in the sugggested uses sheet that you get with A.C.E so I decided to try it. I lost another pound this week. So I am only 2 pounds away from my goal!
What about hunger and energy?
A.C.E affects people in so many ways. There is no hard rule about how it is going to make you feel or what it will do for your hunger. I am just reporting the facts as I have heard them. You will not know how it will work with your body until you try it yourself.
Many people get the "jitters" the first day they take it. Most have reported this feeling going away after the first day. If you already take in a good amount of caffiene, this make not happen to you. It didn't to me. I have given up my daily intake of the diet drink that I didn't think I could live without! Another great side affect huh?
As far as energy, some people say that it really has helped them keeep going. Others report that they really couldn't tell a change in their energy level. Again, this seems to be directly related to the amount of caffiene that was already being taken in. Donald and I both love the energy it gives us and I was a big caffiene drinker, he was not.
As far as hunger and craving control, it seems that everyone has a different story to tell. I am very scheduled so my body knows when it is time to eat. I have not had cravings and have been better able to pass up the junk food. Donald and several people have reported that they have to make themselves eat because they are just not hungry. Others say they still get hungry but just eat less when they do eat. I have had only one person report actually feeling more hungry on the two days that she took the trial pack. I am not sure why this would happen but like I saidn, each person has different experiences.
What about sleep impairment?
This was one thing I was very worried about when I first started taking A.C.E. I do not function well without sleep and I did not want anyone to suffer through a night without sleep. Most everyone has had no problem with their sleeping at all. Several people did report some waking up during the night but it was unsure that it was the A.C.E that caused it because it was something that had been a problem in the past. I do know of one person that seems to be sure that sleeplessness was caused by the A.C.E. She went off of it for a while and now is trying it again with no problems. The biggest issue I have seen with sleep is having to get up to go to the bathroom during the night! That does seem to get better with time too.
What about health issues?
Several of my friends suffer from high blood pressure. I was concerned about them trying it at first. They were very careful and continually checked their blood pressure throughout their trial period and none of them found an increase. They have experienced no problem with it raisng their blood pressure.
I have some other friends who suffer from migraines. Other diet medications had increased the frequency and intensity of their headaches so this was a concern at first. They have also been able to take A.C.E with no adverse side affects. As a matter of fact on the associate facebook page, I have read that A.C.E has actually decreased the occurance of migraines for many people.
There have been a few people whose doctor has told them to refrain from taking A.C.E. due to medical reasons. One did not disclose the reason. One was on estrogen and one had high liver enzymes. If you have any medical concerns, please check with your doctor before taking this product! I want to help make you healthy not the other way around.
What is a must in your diet with A.C.E?
As you can see, there are no hard and true rules to follow while taking A.C.E. Experiment with it and see what works for you. There are however, two things that you MUST do in order for it to work:
1. You MUST eat! If you read my post about Donald's weight loss, you will see that if you do not eat, you will not lose! Not only is it not good for weight loss, it is not good for your body. Since you will not be craving the bad stuff, take this opportunity to fill your body with good stuff like fruit, vegetables and fiber which are all good for your weight loss!
2. It is vital that you drink your water! The natural diuretic in A.C.E helps cleanse your body of fat and toxins but if you do not replenish it with water, you will end up dehydrated. This can cause all kinds of problems beginning with lightheadedness, headaches and body aches. Prolonged dehydration can cause even more serious and irrepairable damage to your body so DRINK YOUR WATER!
Does it work for everyone?
Since I began as associate under a month ago, I have given out numerous samples. About 40 of my friends and family are finding great success with A.C.E! There are, however, a few people who have reported that they didn't feel like they could take it for one reason or another. That is what my post will be about next week. I am in the process of collecting information about concerns and certain issues. That is why I encourage everyone to take a trial pack before purchasing. The two days in the trial pack is usually enough for people to know whether they want it or not. Please contact me for yours today!
I hope you have found some useful information in this post. I know it is a lot but there is so much more! I know that you have found what works for you (or doesn't). Please share that with everyone in the comment section. We would all love to know!
Please let me know if I can do anything for you.
Make A.C.E Work for You!
When should I take it?
We take our A.C.E first thing in the morning. I work out when I get up and this gives me a boost before I start my workout. I am NOT a morning person, so I have to MAKE myself get up to work out. Taking a capsule first thing and drinking my water helps me not feel like I am sleeping through the first part of my workout and I have seen an increase in my endurance during my workouts.
Donald also takes his first thing in the morning. He often does not get a full 8 hours sleep because of his schedule and this helps him get up and get going. He also reports that it works all day and his cravings and hunger are still controlled well into the night.
There are others that have been taking their A.C.E. around mid morning. They have found that they need more energy and hunger control later into the evening and taking it around 10:00 helped them control those cravings later. One person has even reported taking it around 12:00 because the mornings were not an issue for her but the afternoons were.
As long as it does not interfere with your sleep, you should experiment and see what works best for you.
How many should I take?
Many people are still taking just one a day. One a day with a skip day seems to be sufficient to help Donald control his hunger and give him the energy he needed. If one a day works for you, stick with that.
There are several people who have begun to take 2. I have found that the people who tend to need more are the people who already were taking in a good amount of caffiene during the day. It seems that if their body was already used to a great deal of stimulant, it took more of the A.C.E to be effective for them.
I and several of my friends have decided to try the shock your metabolism method. I am so close to my goal that I am losing more slowly so I have decided to stagger my doses until I meet my goal. I took my off day on Sunday with no A.C.E. Then Monday and Thursday (day before weigh in) I took one in the morning and one around 10:00. The other days I took just the one in the morning. This was in the sugggested uses sheet that you get with A.C.E so I decided to try it. I lost another pound this week. So I am only 2 pounds away from my goal!
What about hunger and energy?
A.C.E affects people in so many ways. There is no hard rule about how it is going to make you feel or what it will do for your hunger. I am just reporting the facts as I have heard them. You will not know how it will work with your body until you try it yourself.
Many people get the "jitters" the first day they take it. Most have reported this feeling going away after the first day. If you already take in a good amount of caffiene, this make not happen to you. It didn't to me. I have given up my daily intake of the diet drink that I didn't think I could live without! Another great side affect huh?
As far as energy, some people say that it really has helped them keeep going. Others report that they really couldn't tell a change in their energy level. Again, this seems to be directly related to the amount of caffiene that was already being taken in. Donald and I both love the energy it gives us and I was a big caffiene drinker, he was not.
As far as hunger and craving control, it seems that everyone has a different story to tell. I am very scheduled so my body knows when it is time to eat. I have not had cravings and have been better able to pass up the junk food. Donald and several people have reported that they have to make themselves eat because they are just not hungry. Others say they still get hungry but just eat less when they do eat. I have had only one person report actually feeling more hungry on the two days that she took the trial pack. I am not sure why this would happen but like I saidn, each person has different experiences.
What about sleep impairment?
This was one thing I was very worried about when I first started taking A.C.E. I do not function well without sleep and I did not want anyone to suffer through a night without sleep. Most everyone has had no problem with their sleeping at all. Several people did report some waking up during the night but it was unsure that it was the A.C.E that caused it because it was something that had been a problem in the past. I do know of one person that seems to be sure that sleeplessness was caused by the A.C.E. She went off of it for a while and now is trying it again with no problems. The biggest issue I have seen with sleep is having to get up to go to the bathroom during the night! That does seem to get better with time too.
What about health issues?
Several of my friends suffer from high blood pressure. I was concerned about them trying it at first. They were very careful and continually checked their blood pressure throughout their trial period and none of them found an increase. They have experienced no problem with it raisng their blood pressure.
I have some other friends who suffer from migraines. Other diet medications had increased the frequency and intensity of their headaches so this was a concern at first. They have also been able to take A.C.E with no adverse side affects. As a matter of fact on the associate facebook page, I have read that A.C.E has actually decreased the occurance of migraines for many people.
There have been a few people whose doctor has told them to refrain from taking A.C.E. due to medical reasons. One did not disclose the reason. One was on estrogen and one had high liver enzymes. If you have any medical concerns, please check with your doctor before taking this product! I want to help make you healthy not the other way around.
What is a must in your diet with A.C.E?
As you can see, there are no hard and true rules to follow while taking A.C.E. Experiment with it and see what works for you. There are however, two things that you MUST do in order for it to work:
Does it work for everyone?
Since I began as associate under a month ago, I have given out numerous samples. About 40 of my friends and family are finding great success with A.C.E! There are, however, a few people who have reported that they didn't feel like they could take it for one reason or another. That is what my post will be about next week. I am in the process of collecting information about concerns and certain issues. That is why I encourage everyone to take a trial pack before purchasing. The two days in the trial pack is usually enough for people to know whether they want it or not. Please contact me for yours today!
I hope you have found some useful information in this post. I know it is a lot but there is so much more! I know that you have found what works for you (or doesn't). Please share that with everyone in the comment section. We would all love to know!
Please let me know if I can do anything for you.
Friday, April 13, 2012
What Is In It and How Does It Work?
Okay, we know that A.C.E is an all natural supplement and we have even been given a list of the ingredients but have you wondered- what are they and what do they do? I have! So, I have done the research. Here is what I have found:
Vitamin B6
According to what I have found vitamin B6 is responsible for the proper function of sixty enzymes within our body. I think its main function in this supplement is to help break down carbohydrates which provides the body with energy. It also contributes in manufacturing serotonin which aids in good cognitive function. It also helps support the immune system by helping in the production of hemoglobin. Another function that is aided by this vitamin is the production of estrogen and progesterone. Some studies have even found that it is beneficial for cardio vascular health. Cocoa Powder
Our next ingredient is cocoa powder. Everybody wants a little chocolate right? Well little did we know that it could be so good for us! These nutrient chemicals in cocoa can lower the risk of depression, as well as suppress one's appetite and block the pathway that leads to food cravings. Additionally, phenylethylamine (PEA) improves mood, which in turn decreases food cravings. Fiber in cocoa is linked to decreased weight. Fiber helps block some fat absorption as well as a feeling of fullness. Various vitamins and minerals found in cocoa have been found to boost energy levels and aid in recovery from exercise. Besides these weight loss advantages, cocoa has also been said to relieve inflammation, influence mood, stabilize blood sugar levels, and aid with digestion.Chromium
Chromium works with insulin to improve the transportation of glucose out of the blood and into the cell. This function improves health in many ways. Chromium can help to reduce the amount of sugar circulating in your blood, decreasing your risk of diabetes and metabolic syndrome. It can help reduce the bodies insulin sensitivity, therefore reducing body fat and increasing lean body mass. It also helps lower LDL (bad) cholesterol and raise HDL (good) cholesterol. It can reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke and high blood pressure.Spirulina
It seems that spirulina can be credited for the decrease in cravings and appetite that A.C.E provides. Spiruline is actually an algae that is said to be the most complete "super food" due to its wide variety of vitamins and nutrients. This ingredient is said to increase nutrients in your body which, in turn, decreases the cravings and hunger. It contains a high protein content which is good for building muscle. It has a high concentration of Omega 3 and GLA which helps regulate blood sugar and insulin levels helping to prevent binging. This super foods health benefits are so numerous that I would have to do a post on it alone to cover them all. The Health Guru does a pretty good job of covering them if you would like to see what else this little green algae does for you body!Green Tea Extract
Green tea extract is said to instigate body heat which results in calorie burning. Among the many other benefits are neutralizing free radicals which protects the body from cancer, lowering LDL cholesterol, improving the immune system with its many antioxidants, aiding in skin rejuvenation which fights wrinkles, helping with inflammatory bowel issues, preventing liver disease, fighting against cold and flu and many other health-related problems.Geranium Flower Extract
Geranium Flower Extract is a natural diuretic. From what I have found in my research, this is the main function of this ingredient in this supplement. Hence the need to drink plenty of water to replenish the body of fluids.Caffeine
Caffeine is found in many herbs and plants. The caffeine in A.C.E. is classified as natural so it is safe to assume that it is derived from one of these herbs or plants. Caffeine is known to provide a burst of energy, increase metabolism, and improve mood, alertness and concentration.I have said it before and will again, I love this product. I love the energy and the weight loss we are seeing. I have had so many positive comments from the people who have tried it and many are already seeing great success! I originally bought it because it was all natural. Learning the many other health benefits that it has is just a bonus!
Please feel free to leave a comment in the comment section if you have any information or good resources to add to the above information. We would all love to read about it!
Please contact Denise Thrasher at (256) 338-9687 or if you are interested in A.C.E!
Friday, April 6, 2012
I'm Putting it All Out There!
Now that I have aired all of Donald's weight loss issues, I figure it is time for me to put it all out there about myself. He has nothing on me. I have struggled with my weight for a very long time. When Donald and I met, I was a size 12.He was good to me. He wined and dined and bought me all those things I had not been able to buy for myself. We both loved to eat! By the time we got married a year later, I was a size 22. Yes, he married me anyway! I do have a great guy.
So that is how it started.
Several times throughout our marriage, I tried and succeeded at losing some weight. At one time, I got back down to that 12 only to swell right back up again within a few months. In 2004, I had gastric bypass surgery. This was not an easy decision. It is a difficult recovery and it changes your life forever. Both in good and bad ways. I am glad I did it. At the time of my surgery, I weighed 280 pounds. At 5'7" or any height, that is huge. That was the heaviest I ever reached. So within a year, I lost down to 150 pounds. The smallest that I had been since high school. I was thrilled with the weight loss but the problem with losing that amount of weight is that everything did not go back to where it was originally. I had extra skin in places that it should not have been and there were things that were supposed to be higher on my body that, well, just weren't! Great visual huh? I made myself a promise that I would work out for a year and do everything I could for my body before I would even look at getting any kind of lift or tuck. So for the next 7 years, I started, then I quit and did it all over again.
The turning point came last summer when I had gained back up to 176 pounds and had the looming dread of turning 40 on my next birthday. So I joined Weight Watchers and started walking. I have said before that I love WW. If you think you might like the program, you should most definitely go to their site and check it out. Anyway, I started losing weight and began doing more vigurous workouts. I had several work out tapes and did some aerobics and yoga and was feeling better and better. Then my son got me The Biggest Loser Workout for Xbox 360 Kinect. I love it! It is like having your own trainer and gives you accountability too.
I had set my goal weight at 140 pounds. My goal to reach this weight was determined by the fact that it was half of what I weighed at the time of my surgery. I wanted to say, "I am half the woman I used to be". Then around Februaru, I stuck right around 150, give a few. In the middle of March, I reset my goal weight at 150 since that seemed to be where my body wanted to be and I wasn't disatisfied with my progress. I could live with it.
Then came A.C.E.!
I was originally interested in A.C.E for Donald because he had such a hard time staying on any kind of program the way he works. After his first week and all the wonderful things he had to say about A.C.E, I decided I would try it for a few weeks and see if I could reach my original goal weight. Guess what! It is working!!! The first week, I lost 3 pounds. This week, I have lost 2.4 more! That is more than I have lost in total without A.C.E. in two months. Hello 144.6! I think I am going to make my goal! It truly helped me get over that hump! I didn't change anything! I still stayed within my points range daily and exercised everyday. The only thing I added was the A.C.E.
So that is how it started.
Here is the rest.
Several times throughout our marriage, I tried and succeeded at losing some weight. At one time, I got back down to that 12 only to swell right back up again within a few months. In 2004, I had gastric bypass surgery. This was not an easy decision. It is a difficult recovery and it changes your life forever. Both in good and bad ways. I am glad I did it. At the time of my surgery, I weighed 280 pounds. At 5'7" or any height, that is huge. That was the heaviest I ever reached. So within a year, I lost down to 150 pounds. The smallest that I had been since high school. I was thrilled with the weight loss but the problem with losing that amount of weight is that everything did not go back to where it was originally. I had extra skin in places that it should not have been and there were things that were supposed to be higher on my body that, well, just weren't! Great visual huh? I made myself a promise that I would work out for a year and do everything I could for my body before I would even look at getting any kind of lift or tuck. So for the next 7 years, I started, then I quit and did it all over again.
My 30th Birthday
Last Summer
I had set my goal weight at 140 pounds. My goal to reach this weight was determined by the fact that it was half of what I weighed at the time of my surgery. I wanted to say, "I am half the woman I used to be". Then around Februaru, I stuck right around 150, give a few. In the middle of March, I reset my goal weight at 150 since that seemed to be where my body wanted to be and I wasn't disatisfied with my progress. I could live with it.
Then came A.C.E.!
I was originally interested in A.C.E for Donald because he had such a hard time staying on any kind of program the way he works. After his first week and all the wonderful things he had to say about A.C.E, I decided I would try it for a few weeks and see if I could reach my original goal weight. Guess what! It is working!!! The first week, I lost 3 pounds. This week, I have lost 2.4 more! That is more than I have lost in total without A.C.E. in two months. Hello 144.6! I think I am going to make my goal! It truly helped me get over that hump! I didn't change anything! I still stayed within my points range daily and exercised everyday. The only thing I added was the A.C.E.
My 40th Birthday
My WW log for the last 10 weeks. I have lost 7.2 pounds and 5.4 of that is since I started A.C.E!
This summer will be a year of me working out. I hope to be able to get the work done that I have promised myself. I am beginning to believe more and more that it can happen with the help of the new business that A.C.E has provided me. This stuff works! I am so excited about it! If you need energy, need to lose a lot of weight or a little, please contact me so I can give you a trial pack. I just know that you will love it as much as we do!! Denise Thrasher
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
The Results We are Seeing
Learn From Our Mistakes
If you go to the weigh in page, you will see that Donald gained .2 this week. As of Friday of last week, he had lost another 2 pounds but by weigh in time, he was back up to his previous weight +.2. If you will read this post, you will see that I believe that it is because he has not been eating ENOUGH! Sounds crazy doesn't it? Well, from the research I have done in my training materials and about the body going into survival mode, I really believe this is the case. So, if you are taking A.C.E. or considering it, it will make you feel like you can get by without eating. YOU MUST EAT! Take this opportunity to eat healthy foods since you won't be craving those fatty foods, but eat!!What I Have Heard From Others
I have given out about 24 of the trial packs over the last week. All of those who have taken it report having more energy and decreased cravings and hunger. Several who so not normally take in a lot of caffiene report getting shaky on the first day but all report it not happening after the first day. The only negative remark I have heard is that it didn't curb hunger quite as much as they had hoped but that the energy was great. I am sure that it works differently for all people. Over all, everyone who I have heard from are very excited about the product and those who haven't already, intend to purchase a bottle. More success reports to come!!Success Stories
We are busy making our own success stories but until then, I thought I would share some that have already had success with A.C.E. Meet Victor and Cheryl:
LOST 197 lbs.!
"A.C.E. gave me a lot of energy and I was able to start walking and biking for exercise.
Plus, it helped me cut the amount of carbohydrates I ate. Before A.C.E., I was 365 lbs. and now I'm 170 lbs!"
LOST 56 lbs!
"LOVE MY A.C.E. and Saba! I found myself getting bigger and bigger, and knew I needed to get some help...
I started taking A.C.E and Saba and saw results in the way my clothes fit. Plus my energy was amazing!
I have now lost a total of 56 lbs. and have trimmed over 30" off my body.
If you have your own success story or have any input on the use of A.C.E, please leave a comment. We would all like to know!
If you would like a trial pack please contact Denise Thrasher at
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