Before I begin this post, I need to post a disclaimer- I have gone over and over this post in my head for weeks. Just how much do I tell, how much do I keep to myself. Just as I have stated before, I believe that it is most important to be honest. Therefore, I am going to, yet again, put it all out there. I am about to share some very personal information. Some people might think this information embarrassing or "too much". Especially the men that I know or even some of the teachers and parents of students that I teach. So I am letting you know now, if you are easily embarrassed, don't want to think about me as a "woman" or just like the version of me you know now, you might want to close this screen and not read on!
So here goes- If you have read my blog from the beginning, you know that in 2002, weighing 280 pounds, I had gastric bypass surgery. At that time, my eating had gotten completely out of control and I had tried diet after diet. I decided that this was the best option for me at the time. I am still glad that I had the procedure. In the next year, I lost down to 150 pounds. Of course you all know that with that kind of weight loss, things don't always return to the proportions and sizes that they were pre-weight gain. So, as I lost, I developed skin that was stretched to the point that it would not EVER return to its original shape. While I gained extra skin around the middle that I didn't want, I lost tissue above it that I would have preferred to keep. I pretty much knew that I was going to have some sort of corrective surgery in order to ever feel normal in these areas but I felt like I had messed up what God had created by gaining the weight and I should do everything I could to correct it before I would allow myself to pay anyone else to get it done. So I made a rule- I must create and maintain and healthy lifestyle and work out for a year before I could even think about having anything done. I felt that this would assure me that I had done all I could do.
Fast forward 9 years- I had started and quit working out and eating right at least a hundred times! At 9 years post op, I weighed 178 pounds, which is not bad but I did NOT like it! I was going to be 40 in 9 months and I was determined not to turn 40 fat, unhealthy and out of shape. So- I got serious! I joined Weight Watchers, I started getting up at 4:30 and working out and started getting in shape! This time I did not quit. I was determined. About March, I hit a slump and that is just the time that ACE came into our lives. Of course you have read the post on how ACE helped me surpass my plateau.
I finally hit my goal of 140! I always wanted to be 140 because I could say I had lost half of myself! lol The problem was that the more I lost, even though I was working hard, the more loose skin I developed and the less tissue I had in the other area that had become a problem. That is when Donald and I decided it was time to consult a professional. We researched and talked to people and found Dr Kevin O'Brien. I made an appointment. We went for a consultation.
I went into the consultation thinking that I needed some skin removed from my abdomen and a breast lift. Dr. O'Brien informed me that I would need a full tummy tuck and in order to have any size at all, I would need implants. This was quite a shock to me. I did not want implants! I just wanted what I had put back where they were supposed to be! He said that if I did just the lift, I would probably end up being an A cup size! What! I had lost that much tissue! As far as the tummy tuck goes, it seems that even though I had been working my butt off, I still had fatty tissue on my abdomen that would have to be removed before I would have any semblance of a flat tummy. He did say that the more muscle I had underneath there, the less repair he would have to do on my muscles which would make for an easier recovery. So I left with a lot to think about about the alterations that he was suggesting I have on my body.
The we went to the financial secretaries office and I got another shock! I knew that most gastric bypass surgery had had at least part of their corrective surgery covered by insurance. Well, it seems that by making my little rule, I had proven to myself that I had done all I could do to improve my body but it had prevented my insurance from covering ANYTHING! I had worked out just enough that while I still needed the procedures, I did not have "droopage" for my insurance to find surgery necessary. So I would have to be responsible for the entire procedure. Guess what- It AINT cheap! So we left with more to think about, pray about, ponder and decide.
First of all, Donald knew that this was something that I really wanted and he said that we would find a way to do it. The fact is, I did not feel comfortable taking money from the household account to do something that I felt was not necessary but simply desired. So I prayed about it, searched my heart and really struggled with this decision. I knew I would not be able to do it in the summer like I had planned because there was no way that I could come up with the money even if I decided to do it.
Then, after Donald had much success with ACE, my ACE business began to take off. I began putting it all in what we now know as the "improvement account". I made an appointment for 6 months away and we decided that if the Lord was willing and we were able to put the money back using only money that was made as "extra" money I would do it. Then----- in November, we reached the number. I can not say that all of it was ACE money but MOST of it was. Donald worked some extra at times and we put that in there but I can truly say that the opportunity that I have had with my ACE business has helped make my dreams and goals come true.
I gotta tell ya that I have struggled with this decision. Am I being selfish? Carnal? There are so many other "good" things that could be done with that money. I don't want to be known as "the teacher who had the boob job". I have a lot of wonderfully supportive people in my life who have helped me reconcile myself with this decision. I am doing this for my peace of mind and my comfort. I will be having my procedures December 17th. I asked that you pray for me and my family during my time of recovery. I pray that I might be an inspiration to someone who has struggled with many of the same issues. I hope that with my business with Saba and ACE, I can help many others get to the place where they might have to make the same decision.
The thing I hate the most (besides the knowledge that I am going to have a painful recovery that I have put on myself) is that I ended up having to take off 9 days from school. When I first scheduled this surgery, we had a different calendar and I would have only missed 3 days but this is the way it worked out. I know that they will be well taken care of but I hate to leave my babies that long.
I know that you have noticed that there are no pictures in this post. I did decide to share it all with you but have decided against before and after pictures on this blog. Mostly for modesty sake. I am a child of God, a mother, wife, daughter and kindergarten teacher. I can't imagine that even after everything is done that I will wear a bikini and I hope to still honor God with my clothing choices. So I am choosing not to post pictures because, I would have to be immodest in order for you to see the extent of the damage. I will, however, have them. I will document the progress for myself and if you believe that seeing them would help you with some sort of similar struggle, I would not mind sharing those with you. Just ask. I just don't feel comfortable putting them out there for all to see.
If you read all the way through this long post, thank you! I know it was long but it was an important one for me. If you have something to share, please feel free to leave a comment. If I can do anything for you, please let me know. I would love to hear from you!
Saturday, December 8, 2012
Monday, December 3, 2012
ACE's Christmas in the Smokies!
Donald, Daddy, Mom and I spent a wonderful weekend in the Smoky Mountains! We met some wonderful people who work with Saba and ACE. We met people from all walks of life but they all had one thing in common- They believe in Saba, the products, the business and the life and health that they provide. We were inspired by the stories, the successes and the hearts of all of these people. I have known for some time, that this opportunity came into my life at just the right time. This weekend just proved to reinforce that belief.
Gary Hail is the CEO of AMS Health Sciences, which is the parent company of Saba. Mr. Hail began our meeting by sharing a story of an associate that brought tears to everyone's eyes, including his. He then proceeded to recognize achievement after achievement of the ACE associates.
There were people there who had hit new levels of success in their ACE business and those who have been successful with weight loss and health issues. The best part is that these were regular people. People just like you and me achieving their dreams. I have mentioned before that I had a goal and when I started selling ACE, I needed to come up with a significant amount of money in a relatively short period of time. We affectionately called this goal the "improvement fund". As of November 16th, the improvement fund was completely funded and the check for those improvements was written and sent off. My next post will reveal what these improvements are and the extent ACE has helped me prepare for them. You don't want to miss that post!
We also got to meet Clark Bartram, the World's Most Trusted Fitness Professional. Clark endorses ACE and all of Saba's products. He is an awesome person and very inspirational. He truly believes in this company and what it stands for. He also has a new book, which is not out yet, but we were able to get an advance copy. It is awesome! I will let you know when you can get it.
There are a few things that stick out to me. The whole event was focused on providing for the betterment of the associates. There were prizes, encouragement, and awards. There was also a mention of God and prayer. Yep that is right, there are Christians in charge of our company! The weekend was not completely taken up with ACE stuff but we were able to enjoy Gatlinburg too!
It was reported that the company has grown 10 fold since just last year. It makes me feel good that I was able to get in before that surge of growth happened. I promise there is still room on the tree. If you have ever considered opening your own business, this is certainly a worthy one. Let me know and I can help you with all the details.
So, if you have read through this whole post, you deserve a chance to win a prize! You are truly a loyal ACE fan and I appreciate you! This is the deal, all you have to do is leave me a comment and tell my your ACE experience. Even if you have only tried samples, tell me what you thought. Next Saturday, right before I write my improvement reveal post, I will randomly choose a winner from those who leave comments. The winner will win a 30 pack of ACE! So comment away!
As always, don't hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns. 256-338-9687 or
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
The Market Winner!
Sunday, we spent a lovely day at The Cabin at the Lodge. The owners were such gracious hosts. If you have never visited their site, you should definitely do so. They have created a little piece of Southern heaven that is hidden in the woods of Indian Hills subdivision in Hayden, Alabama. The bed and breakfast is set up in a cabin extension on the log cabin on the property. There is a large patio and a pavillion that are perfect for a family gathering or party. Both the patio and pavilion, as well as a dock on the small lake and a secluded spot in the woods have been used for beautiful weddings. It is a secret that is well worth checking out, regardless of the event you might be hosting.
There were many vendors gathered Sunday for the first ever Market at the Lodge. It was a pleasure meeting each of them and the customers that came to spend the day with us! If you did not get to attend this event, stay tuned. We are already in the process of planning another one in the Spring.
Now to the moment everyone has been waiting on! The winner of the 30 pack of ACE!
Thank you to everyone who registered and bought ACE from us on Sunday. Please contact me with any questions or concerns.
Be sure to watch your email for my BLACK FRIDAY specials! Need a refill or other Saba products? You won't want to miss this special!
There were many vendors gathered Sunday for the first ever Market at the Lodge. It was a pleasure meeting each of them and the customers that came to spend the day with us! If you did not get to attend this event, stay tuned. We are already in the process of planning another one in the Spring.
Now to the moment everyone has been waiting on! The winner of the 30 pack of ACE!
Karla Shelton!
Thank you to everyone who registered and bought ACE from us on Sunday. Please contact me with any questions or concerns.
Be sure to watch your email for my BLACK FRIDAY specials! Need a refill or other Saba products? You won't want to miss this special!
Monday, November 12, 2012
Christmas times a-coming!
I am in the process of doing a blog post update on all of the happenings in the ACE and Saba family. There are some new products that I am absolutely amazed with! There are some absolutely fabulous opportunities! There are also some events taking place in my life that definitely would not have been possible without the addition of my business with ACE/Saba! I hope to have that post ready soon.
In the mean time, I would like for all of you to plan on coming to visit a new event that is happening next Sunday in my own neighborhood! It is the Market at the Lodge. Please plan to join us and meet all the great vendors that live right here in our own community! Be sure to RSVP to be entered into a drawing to win a wonderful prize that consists of products from all the vendors!
For those of you that are just hearing about ACE and would like to check out information on it and our other wonderful Saba products please visit this post: Help I Need Information!
I will be offering several specials for this event. Please don't hesitate to contact me with any questions that you might have! I look forward to seeing you there.
In the mean time, I would like for all of you to plan on coming to visit a new event that is happening next Sunday in my own neighborhood! It is the Market at the Lodge. Please plan to join us and meet all the great vendors that live right here in our own community! Be sure to RSVP to be entered into a drawing to win a wonderful prize that consists of products from all the vendors!
For those of you that are just hearing about ACE and would like to check out information on it and our other wonderful Saba products please visit this post: Help I Need Information!
I will be offering several specials for this event. Please don't hesitate to contact me with any questions that you might have! I look forward to seeing you there.
Saturday, October 20, 2012
Random thoughts from a busy Saba Associate
You know that I am a kindergarten teacher, in addition to being a Saba associate. Well, I started my Saba business in March of last school year. By that time of year, the students are very settled into a routine and things go pretty smoothly. I mean by that time of year, they are almost first graders! I am always amazed at how much they change. Well, the beginning of the year is not quite the same.
Much of the first nine weeks, which ended yesterday by the way, is spent teaching these babies how to be at school, how to work together, keep their hands to themselves, drying eyes that still want Momma, buttoning pants, and tying shoes. That is just a start! I love my job. This part of my job is part of what makes my job so rewarding. It is also the part that makes August through September totally committed to Kindergarten! That is my explanation as to why you haven't heard from me in a while.
I do however have lots to report. Even though, I have not been working my business as diligently as I was in the beginning, people are still having great success on the Saba products, the associates under me are still growing their business and therefore, mine has kept steady even though I have not had the time to commit that I would have liked. I say this because I am so thrilled that this business keeps running when I am not able to give it the attention it deserves.
If you have been considering ACE, Saba Pom or Borojo or any of the other products now is the time. I have many customers dropping weight, getting healthy and feeling better because they have taken the opportunity to purchase the products from me, becoming a preferred customer to receive wholesale discounts, or becoming an associate and receiving those discounts while making money and helping others too! I love this business.
I also have to share a personal realization about the products and the health benefits. As I said, I have been super busy since school started. With school, church, family and Saba obligations I had let my regimen with the Saba juices slide. We usually take the Borojo in the morning and the Pomegranate in the evening religiously! Donald has been much better about it than I have lately. His schedule or lack of it, helps him to think more about what he needs to get done each day. I, on the other hand, try to have a very structured day and when my days get out of whack I tend to forget to do things that need to be done. So, sit and listen (or read) to a story about a girl named Denise who thought she was so impervious, she forgot to take her juice! LOL sorry couldn't help it!
Two weeks ago, I broke a tooth! It was very painful. I was prescribed some pain medicine by the doctor until I could get it fixed but I had two full days that I was not able to sleep because of the pain. I missed a day of school and got my schedule all of whack. I did however, remember to take my ACE because it sits on the bedside table with a glass of water so that I take it before I even get out of bed. I got my tooth fixed and had to wait a week to get a permanent crime. Needless to say, I missed my juices for 4 days. That doesn't seem like a lot but I assure you, that the little germs that come in the kindergarten room can find any crack in the immunity armor to sneak in through. Let me tell you, I must have created a ravine!
Monday I got up with what I thought was a case of seasonal laryngitis. By Tuesday, I could not talk at all. My kids got a kick out of this. I was a little stuffy but still didn't think it was a big deal. Wednesday we had our last Financial Peace University class at our house and I was still having difficulty talking and was beginning to cough. Thursday I was feeling a little worse but we had another class at our house on Thursday so no time to slow down. By Friday morning my chest was hurting and I was running a fever. Friday afternoon, I went to the doctor. Today I sit here after begin diagnosed with a sinus and bronchial infection with a touch of pneumonia. After two shots and four prescriptions, I am beginning to feel better.
I absolutely believe that missing the juices very much contributed to this sickness. I have not had even the sniffles since beginning the regimen of juices. I think it took so long for the sickness to spread and for me to feel bad because I had gotten back on them and the immune properties were working on my body. I assure you that I will not miss another dose! BTW- Donald never missed a dose. He absolutely believes in the juices. He even ate off of my fork Sunday night and did nothing to protect himself from this sickness. I have to say that I am a little jealous.
On an up note, when I went to the doctor I had on cowboy boots, jeans, a t-shirt and jewelry. When I stepped on the scale, I STILL weighed less than 150! Woohoo, can't tell you how good that felt! I love my ACE!!!
I know that some people have checked out the Saba juices and thought that they were expensive but I am going to tell it is worth it. We have other products that promote help, as well. I received this message from my sister this morning, who is not a Saba associate but has become a preferred customer in order to get the wholesale discounts. I know you have heard me say before that she is very knowledgeable about natural remedies and medicines. She has studied it for many years.
Much of the first nine weeks, which ended yesterday by the way, is spent teaching these babies how to be at school, how to work together, keep their hands to themselves, drying eyes that still want Momma, buttoning pants, and tying shoes. That is just a start! I love my job. This part of my job is part of what makes my job so rewarding. It is also the part that makes August through September totally committed to Kindergarten! That is my explanation as to why you haven't heard from me in a while.
I do however have lots to report. Even though, I have not been working my business as diligently as I was in the beginning, people are still having great success on the Saba products, the associates under me are still growing their business and therefore, mine has kept steady even though I have not had the time to commit that I would have liked. I say this because I am so thrilled that this business keeps running when I am not able to give it the attention it deserves.
If you have been considering ACE, Saba Pom or Borojo or any of the other products now is the time. I have many customers dropping weight, getting healthy and feeling better because they have taken the opportunity to purchase the products from me, becoming a preferred customer to receive wholesale discounts, or becoming an associate and receiving those discounts while making money and helping others too! I love this business.
I also have to share a personal realization about the products and the health benefits. As I said, I have been super busy since school started. With school, church, family and Saba obligations I had let my regimen with the Saba juices slide. We usually take the Borojo in the morning and the Pomegranate in the evening religiously! Donald has been much better about it than I have lately. His schedule or lack of it, helps him to think more about what he needs to get done each day. I, on the other hand, try to have a very structured day and when my days get out of whack I tend to forget to do things that need to be done. So, sit and listen (or read) to a story about a girl named Denise who thought she was so impervious, she forgot to take her juice! LOL sorry couldn't help it!
Two weeks ago, I broke a tooth! It was very painful. I was prescribed some pain medicine by the doctor until I could get it fixed but I had two full days that I was not able to sleep because of the pain. I missed a day of school and got my schedule all of whack. I did however, remember to take my ACE because it sits on the bedside table with a glass of water so that I take it before I even get out of bed. I got my tooth fixed and had to wait a week to get a permanent crime. Needless to say, I missed my juices for 4 days. That doesn't seem like a lot but I assure you, that the little germs that come in the kindergarten room can find any crack in the immunity armor to sneak in through. Let me tell you, I must have created a ravine!
Monday I got up with what I thought was a case of seasonal laryngitis. By Tuesday, I could not talk at all. My kids got a kick out of this. I was a little stuffy but still didn't think it was a big deal. Wednesday we had our last Financial Peace University class at our house and I was still having difficulty talking and was beginning to cough. Thursday I was feeling a little worse but we had another class at our house on Thursday so no time to slow down. By Friday morning my chest was hurting and I was running a fever. Friday afternoon, I went to the doctor. Today I sit here after begin diagnosed with a sinus and bronchial infection with a touch of pneumonia. After two shots and four prescriptions, I am beginning to feel better.
I absolutely believe that missing the juices very much contributed to this sickness. I have not had even the sniffles since beginning the regimen of juices. I think it took so long for the sickness to spread and for me to feel bad because I had gotten back on them and the immune properties were working on my body. I assure you that I will not miss another dose! BTW- Donald never missed a dose. He absolutely believes in the juices. He even ate off of my fork Sunday night and did nothing to protect himself from this sickness. I have to say that I am a little jealous.
On an up note, when I went to the doctor I had on cowboy boots, jeans, a t-shirt and jewelry. When I stepped on the scale, I STILL weighed less than 150! Woohoo, can't tell you how good that felt! I love my ACE!!!
I know that some people have checked out the Saba juices and thought that they were expensive but I am going to tell it is worth it. We have other products that promote help, as well. I received this message from my sister this morning, who is not a Saba associate but has become a preferred customer in order to get the wholesale discounts. I know you have heard me say before that she is very knowledgeable about natural remedies and medicines. She has studied it for many years.
Hey, I saw that you are sick. That stinks. I have a recommendation. Get some of the Digest Ease that Saba has and take it. Three times a day and double up if you eat a heavy protein. I can go into a more specific explanation later but the brief explanation is this: Everything is connected to your gut. Undigested food backs up in your colon and when that happens, toxins are secreted in your lymph system. Your lymph system gets over burdened and your white blood cells can't fight off infection. The digest ease has probiotics and digestive enzymes in it. The probiotics give you good bacteria which helps fight bad bacteria. The digestive enzymes break down protein which would also eliminate any parasites that you might have. We've been doing the juice and the digestive enzymes. The juice is good for giving you stuff that you need but you need something to help eliminate the stuff you get that you don't need. Just trust me on it. It works!
So the Digesteze will be on my next order and added to my regimen! I hope that you will all have a healthy and happy week. I intend to do better from here on out with my posting. I hope you all got my email about my October special. From now until October 31st, receive 6 free capsules when you order a 30 pack or 60 cap bottle! I would love to hear your Saba stories too!
Contact Denise Thrasher 256-338-9687 or
Sunday, September 30, 2012
Free ACE? Why Yes! I Would Love Some!
Do you love your ACE?
Do you love a Deal?
Well today's post is for you!
This special is for today only!
Become a preferred customer and I will send you 12 Free Capsules! That is enough to cover the shipping on your first order.
What does becoming a Preferred Customer entail? you may ask.
When you become a Preferred Customer you receive one 60 capsule bottle of ACE & 7 trial packs for $59.00 plus shipping and tax. You will be enrolled in autoship and will receive the same shipment of 74 capsules each month for $50.00 plus shipping and tax. This is a significant savings versus purchasing retail and it comes straight to your door! In addition to your savings on ACE, you will also be able to purchase any of the great Saba products at wholesale prices.
Basically it works out like this:
1st shipment= 1 bottle and 7 trial packs= 74 capsules
Enrollment package price- $59.00
Tax at 10% - $5.90
Shipping- $8.50
Your total cost for enrollment is $73.40 (less than $1.00 a capsule)
But with this deal I am going to give you 6 more trial packs. That is enough to cover the shipping on your first order!
Your first order will be 86 capsules for 73.40. That is $0.85 a capsule!
Your next order will arrive in a month with 1 bottle and 7 trial packs. You may cancel, postpone, move up or add to your order at any time. You are under no obligation.
I will be home from church around 1:00. Please call me if you have further questions. You can go to the Order Now to become a preferred customer through my site. Thanks so much for you business and have an ACEtastic day!
Denise Thrasher or 256-338-9687
Saturday, September 15, 2012
God Made It! Don't Hate It!
If you have read my blog for very long, you know that I have come to believe in the power of the Saba products. I love them most because they are all natural. That means that what we are putting into our bodies was made by God himself and has had nothing added to it that man has messed with. I have not gone all natural. I still eat processed food and take medicine when needed but I have am becoming more and more convinced that the more of God's pure ingredients we use, the better off we will be. So this post is about some other great natural remedies I have found and tried that have worked for me and the people I know and love.
Ulcer? Stomach Problems?
Two years ago, I ended up in the hospital, having emergency surgery, for a perforated ulcer. That may have been one of the most painful nights of my life. After the surgery, my sister came to stay with me and had me start drinking Aloe Vera juice. After I was all healed, I slacked off of the Aloe Vera but continued to put 1/2 cup in my smoothie that I drink in the morning. Then, in July, I, being the ever graceful being that I am, fell down the hill in my front yard and fractured a bone in my back.
After being on pain meds, anti-inflammatory medicines, and other medicine for a few weeks, I felt that familiar feeling coming back.. If you have ever had an ulcer you know what I am talking about. The burning in your guts, feelings of gas in the shoulder blades, a feeling like you need to belch constantly but it never helps. In my mind, I could not imagine going through that pain again! I began to drink Aloe Vera juice again. I had at least 3 eight oz glasses a day. In just a few days those feelings were gone. Of course, I stayed away from food and drink that aggravated my stomach too but I truly believe that it was the Aloe Vera that did the trick. Think about it, if it can heal a burn on the outside of your body, it surely can heal a sore in your stomach. Do you suffer from an ulcer? It is worth a try right?
Livestrong has a great article about why this works.
Colds and Sinus Issues?
While I love the Saba Pomegranate for its abilities to solve allergy problems, as a kindergarten teacher I am still subjected to the little germs that my babies bring into the classroom. This year, like every year before, my sinuses started stopping up about the second week of school. I had read that honey and cinnamon was a good cure for the common cold and sinus issues so I tried it. Low and behold, in only a day, my sinuses cleared up and I could breathe freely again! I am a true believer!
To make this concoction, you simply mix 1 tbs honey to 1/4 tsp cinnamon. I did about 6 tbs honey and 1 1/2 tsp cinnamon. Then you take 1 tbs of the mixture in the morning and at night. The key seems to be getting local honey. The honey should have been produced within 50 miles of your home. It is said that when the bees digest the local allergens that produce the honey, they produce antibodies that counteract the allergens in your area that cause the cold and sinus problems. Again, another thing God planned for us!
It seems that honey is also used for many other ailments and problems. Find out more in this article on Fatal Facts.
Have you used some natural remedies that have worked for you? We would love to hear about them! Please share. My whole goal here is to help people be healthier and happier. Saba is helping me do that! Don't forget about the great benefits of using all natural products like ACE, Saba Pomegranate, and Saba Borojo! These products have changed our lives drastically. We are healthier, happier, and have more energy for all the things that we need to do! I love me some Saba and all natural remedies. I would love to hear from you!
Please let me know if there is anything I can do for you today! Denise Thrasher 256-338-9687 or
Ulcer? Stomach Problems?
Two years ago, I ended up in the hospital, having emergency surgery, for a perforated ulcer. That may have been one of the most painful nights of my life. After the surgery, my sister came to stay with me and had me start drinking Aloe Vera juice. After I was all healed, I slacked off of the Aloe Vera but continued to put 1/2 cup in my smoothie that I drink in the morning. Then, in July, I, being the ever graceful being that I am, fell down the hill in my front yard and fractured a bone in my back.
After being on pain meds, anti-inflammatory medicines, and other medicine for a few weeks, I felt that familiar feeling coming back.. If you have ever had an ulcer you know what I am talking about. The burning in your guts, feelings of gas in the shoulder blades, a feeling like you need to belch constantly but it never helps. In my mind, I could not imagine going through that pain again! I began to drink Aloe Vera juice again. I had at least 3 eight oz glasses a day. In just a few days those feelings were gone. Of course, I stayed away from food and drink that aggravated my stomach too but I truly believe that it was the Aloe Vera that did the trick. Think about it, if it can heal a burn on the outside of your body, it surely can heal a sore in your stomach. Do you suffer from an ulcer? It is worth a try right?
Livestrong has a great article about why this works.
Colds and Sinus Issues?
While I love the Saba Pomegranate for its abilities to solve allergy problems, as a kindergarten teacher I am still subjected to the little germs that my babies bring into the classroom. This year, like every year before, my sinuses started stopping up about the second week of school. I had read that honey and cinnamon was a good cure for the common cold and sinus issues so I tried it. Low and behold, in only a day, my sinuses cleared up and I could breathe freely again! I am a true believer!
To make this concoction, you simply mix 1 tbs honey to 1/4 tsp cinnamon. I did about 6 tbs honey and 1 1/2 tsp cinnamon. Then you take 1 tbs of the mixture in the morning and at night. The key seems to be getting local honey. The honey should have been produced within 50 miles of your home. It is said that when the bees digest the local allergens that produce the honey, they produce antibodies that counteract the allergens in your area that cause the cold and sinus problems. Again, another thing God planned for us!
It seems that honey is also used for many other ailments and problems. Find out more in this article on Fatal Facts.
Have you used some natural remedies that have worked for you? We would love to hear about them! Please share. My whole goal here is to help people be healthier and happier. Saba is helping me do that! Don't forget about the great benefits of using all natural products like ACE, Saba Pomegranate, and Saba Borojo! These products have changed our lives drastically. We are healthier, happier, and have more energy for all the things that we need to do! I love me some Saba and all natural remedies. I would love to hear from you!
Please let me know if there is anything I can do for you today! Denise Thrasher 256-338-9687 or
Saturday, September 8, 2012
New Jeans= New Attitude!
As you know, Donald and I had a booth at the Sweet Tater Festival last weekend. We met so many nice people and many people purchased trial packs to try ACE for the very first time. I have heard from many of them but I have just discovered today that I had several emails that had gone to junk mail and a couple of voice mail messages that I did not receive until today. If you were one of the people who have not heard back from me, PLEASE call or email me again. I promise I am not ignoring you. Technical difficulties! Not good for business I tell you.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012
And the Winner Is!
As you know, Donald and I had a booth at the Sweet Tater Festival in Crane Hill, Alabama this past weekend. It is a 2 day show and last year was canceled because of weather. Well, this year I was afraid that just might happen again. While getting set up Sunday, it rained. My back got soaked and then, in my smart way, I decided to pull the end of the canopy down AND- you got it- my front got soaked too! Then it cleared up and the people started coming! It turned out to be a beautiful day and I dried out.
It stormed all night Sunday night and we were tempted to cut our losses and salvage the day! I am glad we changed our minds.By the time we got set up and recovered from our canopy being demolished the night before (thank God the man across the isle had one we could use) the sun was showing and the day again turned beautiful.
We met many people who had never heard of ACE and the Saba products. Many of them decided to purchase the trial pack offer and begin their journey to being more healthy and slim. Because so many people will be needing to refill their stock of ACE, I am extending the Sweet Tater Festival specials that I posted last week. You can find those here FESTIVAL SPECIALS. You can take advantage of these specials through next Sunday, September 9th. Call, text or email me with your order.
Now to the part that everyone has been waiting on! I had lots of people sign up for a chance to win a FREE 30 pack of ACE! I wish I could give them to everyone but that just doesn't make good business sense. I am very excited to announce that the winner of the 30 day supply of ACE is:
Congratulations Cindy!
Please contact me with your address and I will get those out to you right away!
I would love to hear what each of you think of the ACE trials that you purchased this weekend! Please contact me any time and let me know how I can help you! 256-338-9687
Sunday, August 26, 2012
Sweet Tater Festival
We will be spending Labor Day at the 16th annual Sweet Tater Festival in Crane Hill, Alabama! I am so excited to be participating in this event. It will be held at Dowling Elementary. This is our old stomping grounds and I can't wait to see old friends and new!
For this occasion, I will be running several specials. These specials are good from today until Labor Day, September 2nd only! I would love to see you at the festival. If you can not come, contact me to get in on these awesome specials.
That is 6 capsules (one week's worth) for $5.00!
* 2 weeks of Borojo juice
* 2 weeks of Pomegranate juice
* 2 weeks of ACE
Being a preferred customer allows you to purchase ACE, the juices, and any other Saba products at wholesale prices. This is your best value! It also enrolls you in autoship which brings your selected products to your door each month. Contact me today to enroll!
I am so excited to be sharing these wonderful products with Crane Hill, Alabama! I hope you all get to come out and participate. Please contact me if I can help you with anything! 256-338-9687 or
For this occasion, I will be running several specials. These specials are good from today until Labor Day, September 2nd only! I would love to see you at the festival. If you can not come, contact me to get in on these awesome specials.
Haven't Tried ACE yet?
Purchase 3 trial packs for $5.00.That is 6 capsules (one week's worth) for $5.00!
Tried it and Need more?
Purchase your 60 count bottle for $60.00!Tried it, Love it, and Need More?
Become a preferred customer and choose your free gift!* 2 weeks of Borojo juice
* 2 weeks of Pomegranate juice
* 2 weeks of ACE
Being a preferred customer allows you to purchase ACE, the juices, and any other Saba products at wholesale prices. This is your best value! It also enrolls you in autoship which brings your selected products to your door each month. Contact me today to enroll!
Tried it, Love it and Want to Share it With Others?
Become an Associate and I will give you 30 trial packs to get you started! Learn more here- The Saba OpportunityI am so excited to be sharing these wonderful products with Crane Hill, Alabama! I hope you all get to come out and participate. Please contact me if I can help you with anything! 256-338-9687 or
Saturday, August 18, 2012
I Need Information Help!
I went back to work this week after the summer and am super excited about the upcoming year. I have been blessed beyond belief in my professional and personal life. I met my new class yesterday and I think I have a sweet little group this year. I have new customers discovering the benefits of Saba and all of the supplements that we offer. I have new associates making their life more prosperous through the Saba opportunity!
Since there are so many new people that have started visiting my site, I decided to make this week's post about finding the information you may need about our products and the research I have done over the last 4 1/2 months of my ACE/Saba journey.
Of course I have many other posts and pages. Be sure to check out the different tabs at the top. On these tabs, you can read more about the Saba products, check out Donald's weigh ins and even order products if you desire. Please contact me if I can help you with anything at all! or text or call me at 256-338-9687.
Since there are so many new people that have started visiting my site, I decided to make this week's post about finding the information you may need about our products and the research I have done over the last 4 1/2 months of my ACE/Saba journey.
It All Started with ACE!
If you have wondered how and why I got into this business, you should check out this link The Transformation Begins. Find out what impressed me and Donald about ACE and why we decided to share it with everyone else.All About Me!
Have you wondered who I am and why I am so passionate about weight loss and being healthy. Read my story here I'm Putting It All Out There.What is ACE?
Check this link out What Is It and What Is In It? if you have ever wondered about the ingredients in ACE and what each one does.The Juices
I have become convinced that EVERYONE should be taking the Saba juices. The Borojo is Amino Acids and has a host of health benefits. The Pomegranate is antioxidants and every time I turn around I learn another issue that can be helped with this juice! There are stories of cured allergies, decreased stress, help with ADHD, help with chemo recovery, and the list goes on and on! These juices have so many health benefits and are all natural! They help you get everything God intended you to have! Check out the juices here- Saba- for you for life!The Opportunity!
Of course you know that I believe in the Saba opportunity! I have supplemented our income in a way that I never thought possible. I am able to do this while helping others live a more healthy and comfortable life. I couldn't be more please with my business and m so happy to be a part of this great company. If you would like more information on the business check this link out Life, It is a Changing and then contact me so you can get on your way to Saba success!Of course I have many other posts and pages. Be sure to check out the different tabs at the top. On these tabs, you can read more about the Saba products, check out Donald's weigh ins and even order products if you desire. Please contact me if I can help you with anything at all! or text or call me at 256-338-9687.
Friday, August 10, 2012
It's Been a Busy Couple of Weeks
I haven't posted in a couple of weeks. We have been VERY busy! It is amazing how much can happen in two weeks when you are thinking back over it.
We celebrated our 15th wedding anniversary! Yes, we are still going strong after 15 years and happier and healthier to boot! I can not believe that in the last four months our lives have changed so much. Just by chance! We have improved our lives physically, financially, emotionally, and spiritually! God is truly using all the things in our lives to bring about wonderful changes.
Of course when good things happen, you also get attacked! Whether it is through a stupid mistake that you made yourself or something that inadvertently happens, the evil one will jump on and use anything that he can to try to discourage you! I was supposed to run a booth at my school system's back to school conference and because I am an employee and some things happened and were done that go along with that employment, I was not able to do that. These issues came down to the talk of my even losing my job! You all know that I LOVE my job as a kindergarten teacher and it is absolutely what God called me to do, so this was a perfect place for me to be attacked! Although, I missed the conference, the rest worked out. Although, like so many other things, this seemed devastating at the time, good things came out of it and all is good again!
I have signed up 4 new associates under me and am proud to say that I made director in July! This means that more people are learning about our wonderful Saba products, getting healthy and making some extra income in the process. This is on top of my numerous new customers that I have added to my customer base! I love this business.
Donald has steadily continued his weight loss. He has been working hard and we have had a crazy two weeks but he has continued to make time for his workouts and is still diligently taking his juices and ACE. I didn't record a weigh in this last week because I was not at home to take a picture. He said he tried to take a picture himself but the camera made him weigh more! LOL I didn't think about that! He was actually up .4 pounds. This is probably because of the working out because I can really tell that his body is changing. I think he has lost 20 years in the last 4 months! I actually kept thinking that the picture program had stretched the picture from last summer so I didn't crop this one! He has even lost in his head! Notice the smaller ski too. He couldn't do that last summer.
Summer 2011 Summer 2012
We have also had the privilege of spending time with some of our wonderful family. We have done Six Flags with my sister and her family and brought my beautiful nieces home with us. Then we spent the last weekend at the lake with my cousin and her family.
In the midst of all of this, I fell down the hill mowing the grass and have had to suspend my workouts for the last two weeks. I have had and MRI and am praying for the best. I hope to hear today.
So you can see we have been quite busy! I do think that one of the reasons we have been able to sustain at this pace is our new found health through ACE and all of the Saba products we are now using! I am excited to be going back to school next week and enjoy the energy and health I am experiencing for a new school year. I have enjoyed my summer but am ready to get back to a normal routine!
Are you ready to take control of your health and future? Contact me today to see how ACE and Saba can help you! Denise Thrasher or text or call 256-338-9687
We celebrated our 15th wedding anniversary! Yes, we are still going strong after 15 years and happier and healthier to boot! I can not believe that in the last four months our lives have changed so much. Just by chance! We have improved our lives physically, financially, emotionally, and spiritually! God is truly using all the things in our lives to bring about wonderful changes.
15 years of wedded bliss!
Of course when good things happen, you also get attacked! Whether it is through a stupid mistake that you made yourself or something that inadvertently happens, the evil one will jump on and use anything that he can to try to discourage you! I was supposed to run a booth at my school system's back to school conference and because I am an employee and some things happened and were done that go along with that employment, I was not able to do that. These issues came down to the talk of my even losing my job! You all know that I LOVE my job as a kindergarten teacher and it is absolutely what God called me to do, so this was a perfect place for me to be attacked! Although, I missed the conference, the rest worked out. Although, like so many other things, this seemed devastating at the time, good things came out of it and all is good again!
I have signed up 4 new associates under me and am proud to say that I made director in July! This means that more people are learning about our wonderful Saba products, getting healthy and making some extra income in the process. This is on top of my numerous new customers that I have added to my customer base! I love this business.
Donald has steadily continued his weight loss. He has been working hard and we have had a crazy two weeks but he has continued to make time for his workouts and is still diligently taking his juices and ACE. I didn't record a weigh in this last week because I was not at home to take a picture. He said he tried to take a picture himself but the camera made him weigh more! LOL I didn't think about that! He was actually up .4 pounds. This is probably because of the working out because I can really tell that his body is changing. I think he has lost 20 years in the last 4 months! I actually kept thinking that the picture program had stretched the picture from last summer so I didn't crop this one! He has even lost in his head! Notice the smaller ski too. He couldn't do that last summer.
Summer 2011 Summer 2012
We have also had the privilege of spending time with some of our wonderful family. We have done Six Flags with my sister and her family and brought my beautiful nieces home with us. Then we spent the last weekend at the lake with my cousin and her family.
In the midst of all of this, I fell down the hill mowing the grass and have had to suspend my workouts for the last two weeks. I have had and MRI and am praying for the best. I hope to hear today.
So you can see we have been quite busy! I do think that one of the reasons we have been able to sustain at this pace is our new found health through ACE and all of the Saba products we are now using! I am excited to be going back to school next week and enjoy the energy and health I am experiencing for a new school year. I have enjoyed my summer but am ready to get back to a normal routine!
Feeling ACEstatic at the lake! LOVE MY SABA!
Friday, July 20, 2012
The Misconception of Muscle and Fat
We have all heard this statement, "Muscle weighs more than fat." Let us all think about that for a moment. Can it really be accurate? Do you remember the old time scales where there is a bucket on one end and another on the other end? Let's envision that for a moment. If you put a pound of muscle on one side and a pound of fat on the other, will the scale balance out? Yes, because a pound is a pound regardless of what it is. So having established that fact, let's ask the question- Why does the scale often go up when we start working out.
This is what I have found. While a pound of muscle is a pound and a pound of fat is a pound, a pound of muscle is more dense making it smaller. Therefore, if you carry more muscle for your body weight, you will appear smaller and leaner. According the the National Health Association a body can only build about 8-10 pounds of muscle in a year. Knowing that, the question becomes- Why in the heck am I four pounds heavier in one week?!?! I obviously can't gain 4 pounds of muscle in one week! The above mentioned article explains this quite well. Muscles contain glycogen which is 75% water. While an article by Shulman and Rothman explains, in very clinical terms, the purpose and function of glycogen on the muscles, what I surmised from reading this article is simply this: Glycogen aides in the balancing of glucose in the muscle. Muscles use these nutrients in the reparation process after strenuous workouts that break down the muscle. If you don't have enough glycogen, you may experience muscle fatigue which will prevent proper building of muscle. You want glycogen! Those levels will regulate as you continue working out. Don't freak out over that initial upswing on the scales after starting a weight training program. Just know that you are building muscle and your body is becoming smaller and more lean!
This picture from Humanity First illustrates how glycogen in stored in the cells when glucose is not needed immediately for energy. These cells can store from 1 to 3 percent of their weight in glycogen which can be attributed to the gain that is shown on the scale.
In short, the next time someone says, "I started working out this week and I actually GAINED weight" instead of calling it "muscle weight" you can tell them not to worry it is just glycogen weight. It is actually a good thing.
Which would you rather have?
I pose this question because Donald and I have started a pretty intense workout regimen this week. It involves muscle building aerobics three days a week and muscle building weight training another three days with an off day at the end of the week. Basically, we have worked our tails off and I step on the scale this morning and weigh 4 pounds more than I did last week! I started researching this phenomenon. I know the workouts are working, I can hardly walk down the stairs! I feel muscles in parts of my bodies that I never knew muscles existed, so why then is the scale moving UP?This is what I have found. While a pound of muscle is a pound and a pound of fat is a pound, a pound of muscle is more dense making it smaller. Therefore, if you carry more muscle for your body weight, you will appear smaller and leaner. According the the National Health Association a body can only build about 8-10 pounds of muscle in a year. Knowing that, the question becomes- Why in the heck am I four pounds heavier in one week?!?! I obviously can't gain 4 pounds of muscle in one week! The above mentioned article explains this quite well. Muscles contain glycogen which is 75% water. While an article by Shulman and Rothman explains, in very clinical terms, the purpose and function of glycogen on the muscles, what I surmised from reading this article is simply this: Glycogen aides in the balancing of glucose in the muscle. Muscles use these nutrients in the reparation process after strenuous workouts that break down the muscle. If you don't have enough glycogen, you may experience muscle fatigue which will prevent proper building of muscle. You want glycogen! Those levels will regulate as you continue working out. Don't freak out over that initial upswing on the scales after starting a weight training program. Just know that you are building muscle and your body is becoming smaller and more lean!
This picture from Humanity First illustrates how glycogen in stored in the cells when glucose is not needed immediately for energy. These cells can store from 1 to 3 percent of their weight in glycogen which can be attributed to the gain that is shown on the scale.
In short, the next time someone says, "I started working out this week and I actually GAINED weight" instead of calling it "muscle weight" you can tell them not to worry it is just glycogen weight. It is actually a good thing.
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Recipe Wednesday- Low Carb Pizza
You all know that we are trying to eat low carb. Well, pizza is one of our favorite meals and I have to tell you that I have gotten in a rut of chicken and vegetables EVERY night. I love chicken but that gets kind of boring after a while. So I found this recipe for low carb pizza on Instructables. I have to tell you that I only used the crust part of the recipe. Then I used prepared pizza sauce, Italian grated cheeses, green pepper, onion, and pepperoni. I think that anyone who did the home made sauce might be my hero. I was just too lazy. Let me know if you do! I would love to think I had it that together. All in all, this helped with our pizza craving and the crust was AMAZING!
You can get the original recipe and comments and variations on it here: Low Carb Pizza with Home Made Sauce. You should really consider checking out the original recipe. She has great pictures and there are some really great comments with variations that people have used. Thanks so much for visiting! I hope you enjoy!
For the pizza crust, you will need:
2 eggs
1 8oz package cream cheese or Neufchatel cheese, brought to room temperature
1 cup Parmesan cheese - shredded or grated
9x13" baking pan
cooking spray to coat pan
For the sauce, you will need:
1 6oz can tomato paste
1/2 cup sangria
1 1/2 tablespoons dried oregano
1 1/2 tablespoons dried basil
1/4 teaspoon salt
4 cloves of garlic, minced
Toppings of your choice
Preheat oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit.
In a large mixing bowl, combine the eggs, cream cheese and Parmesan and mix well with a fork or spatula. Don't panic if the mix looks very wet and runny, it will firm up as it bakes.
Coat the 9x13" baking pan with the cooking spray, then spread the mixture to cover the bottom of the pan.
Place pan on a rack in the middle of oven and bake for 30 minutes, or until crust is firm and lightly browned.
In a medium bowl, mix tomato paste, oregano, basil, salt and garlic, then add sangria to thin the mixture to a spreadable, but not too thick consistency. Adjust seasonings to taste.
Remove baking pan from oven when crust is lightly browned on top. Stand to cool for a few minutes. It is normal for the crust to shrink as it bakes.
Increase oven temperature to 425 degrees.
Spread the sauce over the crust, then add toppings of your choice. A nice thick bed of mozzarella helps everything stick together. We covered our pizza with a lot of pepperoni.
You can get the original recipe and comments and variations on it here: Low Carb Pizza with Home Made Sauce. You should really consider checking out the original recipe. She has great pictures and there are some really great comments with variations that people have used. Thanks so much for visiting! I hope you enjoy!
For the pizza crust, you will need:
2 eggs
1 8oz package cream cheese or Neufchatel cheese, brought to room temperature
1 cup Parmesan cheese - shredded or grated
9x13" baking pan
cooking spray to coat pan
For the sauce, you will need:
1 6oz can tomato paste
1/2 cup sangria
1 1/2 tablespoons dried oregano
1 1/2 tablespoons dried basil
1/4 teaspoon salt
4 cloves of garlic, minced
Toppings of your choice
Preheat oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit.
In a large mixing bowl, combine the eggs, cream cheese and Parmesan and mix well with a fork or spatula. Don't panic if the mix looks very wet and runny, it will firm up as it bakes.
Coat the 9x13" baking pan with the cooking spray, then spread the mixture to cover the bottom of the pan.
Place pan on a rack in the middle of oven and bake for 30 minutes, or until crust is firm and lightly browned.
In a medium bowl, mix tomato paste, oregano, basil, salt and garlic, then add sangria to thin the mixture to a spreadable, but not too thick consistency. Adjust seasonings to taste.
Remove baking pan from oven when crust is lightly browned on top. Stand to cool for a few minutes. It is normal for the crust to shrink as it bakes.
Increase oven temperature to 425 degrees.
Spread the sauce over the crust, then add toppings of your choice. A nice thick bed of mozzarella helps everything stick together. We covered our pizza with a lot of pepperoni.
Place pan back in oven and bake for about 15 minutes, until cheese is bubbling and it looks delicious. Remove from oven and let stand a while; it will be too hot to eat for about 10 minutes.
Remove from pan, slice and enjoy.
Remove from pan, slice and enjoy.
Friday, July 13, 2012
This Is Why I Do It!
Happy and Healthy about 40 pounds lighter than last summer!
If you have read my blog before, you know that I did not plan to start another business. You can read about how it all began by clicking here. Then my husband and I started taking ACE. Then..... IT WORKED!!! You can check out his weigh ins here. I saw an opportunity to help those around me find a better happier life and it has all been worth it! I have struggled with my weight and health issues my whole life so I decided that ACE/Saba could help me help others avoid some of what I had experienced. You can read my story here.
Then a few days after my first customers purchased their ACE, I began getting phone calls, emails and messages of successes! Wow what a a feeling. People lives were changing and I was going to be part of that. My husband and I, as well as some of our friends and family, have since started taking some of the other Saba supplements. We love the Borojo and Pomegranate Juice. We have also done the Fat Flush Diet with great success. It is hard to document all that I have heard about our products but I wanted to share the comments. Ultimately, that is why I began this business- to help others achieve their goals. Now my goal is to make sure that every person who has ever struggled with health issues, their weight, needed extra energy or extra focus knows about Saba and their wonderful supplements. I am a believer and my customers are too! Check out what we have all discovered:
About ACE
Although it was over the phone, I have had two customers report having lost 10 pounds in the first week. One of those is now an associate and is now helping others do the same thing. I have had numerous phone calls reporting the extra energy and my customers absolute pleasure in their purchase of ACE.
I have also had numerous emails and Facebook reports about my customers and other associates results with ACE:
"Hey look at my face book lost 2 more just 3 lbs away from my second goal of 125 love it"
"I have lost 6 pounds since I started ACE! My energy is out the roof"
"I can not believe that taking one capsule in the morning can curb cravings all day. I am sitting at Dairy Queen drinking water while everyone else has ice cream! I love my ACE!"
"Started Ace in Feb!! I ♥ my ACE!"
"Wayne and I had gotten to the point that we did not feel as healthy as we should. However, since May 21st, both of us have lost weight - 24 pounds for me and 24.5 pounds for Wayne. We are well on our way!! Also, our energy levels are a lot better. Finally found something that works for both of us!"
"Woo hoo!!! As of this morning I am DOWN 20 Pounds:-). Great feeling before heading to the beach this afternoon!"
"Matt told me last night " your butt is getting smaller, like east to west..." I think thats a compliment... anyway I fit into a dress this morning that I haven't been able to wear since before I got pregnant, 3 years ago!! YIPPIE!!! Inches baby!!!!
Thank you for telling me about this product!!!!"
"So here is my very first (and quite amateurish side by side) and my story.
I was diagnosed with MS in 2005 & in summer 2011 I was diagnosed with a rare form of colon cancer... I was tired ALL the time and was sick and tired of being sick and tired!! I work at the local high school as a cook and I LOVE what I do! But, I would get off work about 2 and be home, in bed, asleep by 230 and would sleep ...until 6, get up, do farm chores, come in and get the kids ready for and into bed and be back in bed asleep by 830...I wasn't Happy... I wasn't Healthy... I wasn't LIVING!!
I started ACE In March I think and ran out the week my kid's school bus flipped the Tues after Easter, BOY did I need and MISS that energy, dealing with a 10 year old being put in a wheelchair and not being able to go to school OR summer camps... It was then that I realized what I missed when I didn't take my ACE... I was Exhausted all over again. Since I have been on ACE I am down 3 pant sizes and just about 4 belt notches :) I am not a scale watcher because I understand that inches are what is important and that muscle weighs more than fat, but I am also down 35 lbs (my 1st 2 months I only lost inches)
I have energy like never before and am able to do things with my kids that I had no hope of before. I have been taking them for geology expeditions and tadpole hunting in the many ponds, to 4H camps and running all over doing fun and exciting things!
I have not had to take any meds since I have been on ACE. No Muscle relaxers, No pain meds, nothing... and I am sleeping better than I ever have, no tossing and turning or lying awake for hours on end Praying to fall asleep! I go to bed at 1030 and go right to sleep and wake up with or w/o my alarm between 630 and 7. I also have not had any migraines, problems with blood sugar (I am hypoglycemic) or issues with diverticulitis Since I began using ACE!!
I became an associate because... I figure if it works for me and made such a tremendous change in my life then it can for someone else too!
I started ACE In March I think and ran out the week my kid's school bus flipped the Tues after Easter, BOY did I need and MISS that energy, dealing with a 10 year old being put in a wheelchair and not being able to go to school OR summer camps... It was then that I realized what I missed when I didn't take my ACE... I was Exhausted all over again. Since I have been on ACE I am down 3 pant sizes and just about 4 belt notches :) I am not a scale watcher because I understand that inches are what is important and that muscle weighs more than fat, but I am also down 35 lbs (my 1st 2 months I only lost inches)
I have energy like never before and am able to do things with my kids that I had no hope of before. I have been taking them for geology expeditions and tadpole hunting in the many ponds, to 4H camps and running all over doing fun and exciting things!
I have not had to take any meds since I have been on ACE. No Muscle relaxers, No pain meds, nothing... and I am sleeping better than I ever have, no tossing and turning or lying awake for hours on end Praying to fall asleep! I go to bed at 1030 and go right to sleep and wake up with or w/o my alarm between 630 and 7. I also have not had any migraines, problems with blood sugar (I am hypoglycemic) or issues with diverticulitis Since I began using ACE!!
I became an associate because... I figure if it works for me and made such a tremendous change in my life then it can for someone else too!
"Just as a positive note. I went to the doctor and I have lost another 4 lbs. My BMl in Sept was 27. I ventured on a very difficult and hard diet to maintain, which involved Daily injections for 40 days. I had lost 23lbs. Then I lost 7 more. I started to slowly gain a few pounds back. I was 172 in Sept. I started ACE in March at around 150. I weighed in yesterday at 135. My BMI was 22 yesterday!!!! Although my venture started with something else, it did not give me energy or relieve any of my Fibro symptoms. ACE changed it all for me. It not only helped the last of my weight to come off, but gave me the ability to function!!!!! That is priceless!!!!"
These and many that have been left at the bottom of my blog posts are proof that ACE is changing lives. I love being part of that.
About the Juices:
"I am in love with the Borojo juice. It has made me feel so focused and not
jittery. I actually think it is beginning to melt away some unwanted thigh fat!
My husband loves the Pomegranate juice to deal with business stress. We even
give it to our 3 year old on occasion at bedtime. I am glad I became an
associate for the discount. It has been well worth it and I look forward to
possibly selling it. The customer service is fantastic! For example: I had a
leaking bottle in my last shipment and they sent me a whole new order of three
bottles- no questions asked!"
"I have seen an increase in energy and I just feel good. Don't know how to explain it!"
"I just thought of something and have to share. You know how you notice stuff when it is happening but not so much when it is not? Well it just hit me today that all of the things that usually bother my allergies have not bothered me in about two weeks! I love the Pomegranate juice!"
"My husband told me yesterday that he has slept so soundly the last few nights. I hadn't told him that you said that was one of the benefits of the Pomegranate juice."
"I can definitely tell that (boyfriend's name) is more chill and not as high strung since he has started taking the juices."
These customers are taking both ACE and the juices:
"I don't know if it's a fluke or not, but I weigh 3 lbs less than I did on Monday. haven't really changed my diet much, still watching what I eat as usual, but I have had nothing sweet this week at all. increased my water intake. exercised 3 days this week, not yesterday, but will sometime today, so that's normal for me too. I don't usually weigh more than once a week, but today I knew I felt different, less bloated or something. will be interested to see the scales on Monday after 1 week has passed."
Donald's Before and After
So, there you have it. These supplements are helping people be healthier and better! These days who couldn't use that? I am just proud to be part of it. And I am making some extra money in the process which may come in handy if those paychecks do stop coming. Which just might happen! You never know!
Please let me know if I can help you with any of your health, weight loss or just general well. That, right there, is why I do it!
Denise Thrasher (256) 338-9687 or
Friday, July 6, 2012
Let Freedom Ring!
Because I just did a great big post on Monday about specific products, I decided that I would do a little different post this week. I would like to share some random thoughts about ACE and my Saba business that have crossed my mind lately.
This week we spent the week of the Fourth of July at the lake with my family. This included mom, dad, sister, brother-in-law, 2 nieces, husband, son, son's girlfriend and me. This week reminded me of how blessed I am as a daughter, sister, aunt, mother and wife. There are so many wonderful things that I could share with you about my family but since this blog is supposed to be focused on my business, I am going to focus on what it has done for me and my family in the short time I have been a Saba Associate.
My mom and dad have always supported me in all my endeavors. There have been times when I have called my mom to tell her that I have signed her up for some kind of home party or something. So when I started my business with ACE, they jumped right in. They own a beauty/barber shop so this opportunity went right along with what they were already doing. They started out by taking ACE and loved it! Then they started the Borojo and Pomegranate juices. Within a few days they were telling me how good they felt. Since then, they have ordered other of the Saba supplements and added them to their daily intake. My parents are getting close to retirement age. This business is going to help them in two ways. They are going to be in the good enough shape to feel like doing something when they retire AND they are going to have a supplemental income to fall back on so that they can afford to retire!
I have mentioned before that my sister was the first in our family to get interested in natural supplements in order to prevent and not just treat symptoms of many illnesses and disease. I have leaned on her knowledge in many ways while getting started in this business. She is a constant source of encouragement and a wealth of knowledge on the benefits of the ingredients in the supplements that are available through Saba. She has put her four year old and nine year old on the juices to help with their health and she and her husband are both taking Saba supplements.
Then there is my baby boy! Justin has always been a work out guy. He started using ACE immediately when I became an associate and loved that it was more economical and just as effective as other performance enhancers he had purchased. Justin is also a little "high strung". There was a time in his youth when he was treated for ADHD. I have provided him with the Saba juices and the difference in his demeanor is amazing. It has not changed him but it has helped him to be more patient, not as anxious and a little less easily frustrated. At first he said that he was not able to notice a change but everyone else, including his girlfriend absolutely can. After discussing it a little further, he now agrees that he can too! As for the girlfriend, Brittney, I am pretty sure that she is going to be sticking around a while. So this weekend it was decided that she will start the juices too. After all, she is probably going to be the mother of my grandchildren someday! I want her to be as healthy as possible!
Then, of course, there is Donald. My sweet husband who has been my test subject, let me take pictures of his feet, and basically put it all out there in an effort to get healthy and help me start my business. He has lost nearly 40 pounds and has become more healthy. He even accidentally left his C-pap machine at home this week and was able to sleep soundly without it AND I did too! No snoring, no abrupt waking from sleep from not sleeping. I know that is because he is healthier and lighter!
So yes, I am a very blessed woman in many ways! I thank God for my wonderful family and this opportunity that he has presented for me to help them improve their health and wealth! I thank God that he has put me in a country where I have the opportunity to grow a business that can help me, my family and so many others be free of weight, health issues, and financail difficulty. Saba is a company that I know will help us continue to improve our health, lives and finances for years to come. I didn't even know I wanted a business but I am sure glad I took the step! And so I say LET FREEDOM RING!
Please contact me if I can help you with any of your health or wealth needs! 256-338-9687 or
This week we spent the week of the Fourth of July at the lake with my family. This included mom, dad, sister, brother-in-law, 2 nieces, husband, son, son's girlfriend and me. This week reminded me of how blessed I am as a daughter, sister, aunt, mother and wife. There are so many wonderful things that I could share with you about my family but since this blog is supposed to be focused on my business, I am going to focus on what it has done for me and my family in the short time I have been a Saba Associate.
My mom and dad have always supported me in all my endeavors. There have been times when I have called my mom to tell her that I have signed her up for some kind of home party or something. So when I started my business with ACE, they jumped right in. They own a beauty/barber shop so this opportunity went right along with what they were already doing. They started out by taking ACE and loved it! Then they started the Borojo and Pomegranate juices. Within a few days they were telling me how good they felt. Since then, they have ordered other of the Saba supplements and added them to their daily intake. My parents are getting close to retirement age. This business is going to help them in two ways. They are going to be in the good enough shape to feel like doing something when they retire AND they are going to have a supplemental income to fall back on so that they can afford to retire!
I have mentioned before that my sister was the first in our family to get interested in natural supplements in order to prevent and not just treat symptoms of many illnesses and disease. I have leaned on her knowledge in many ways while getting started in this business. She is a constant source of encouragement and a wealth of knowledge on the benefits of the ingredients in the supplements that are available through Saba. She has put her four year old and nine year old on the juices to help with their health and she and her husband are both taking Saba supplements.
Then there is my baby boy! Justin has always been a work out guy. He started using ACE immediately when I became an associate and loved that it was more economical and just as effective as other performance enhancers he had purchased. Justin is also a little "high strung". There was a time in his youth when he was treated for ADHD. I have provided him with the Saba juices and the difference in his demeanor is amazing. It has not changed him but it has helped him to be more patient, not as anxious and a little less easily frustrated. At first he said that he was not able to notice a change but everyone else, including his girlfriend absolutely can. After discussing it a little further, he now agrees that he can too! As for the girlfriend, Brittney, I am pretty sure that she is going to be sticking around a while. So this weekend it was decided that she will start the juices too. After all, she is probably going to be the mother of my grandchildren someday! I want her to be as healthy as possible!
Then, of course, there is Donald. My sweet husband who has been my test subject, let me take pictures of his feet, and basically put it all out there in an effort to get healthy and help me start my business. He has lost nearly 40 pounds and has become more healthy. He even accidentally left his C-pap machine at home this week and was able to sleep soundly without it AND I did too! No snoring, no abrupt waking from sleep from not sleeping. I know that is because he is healthier and lighter!
So yes, I am a very blessed woman in many ways! I thank God for my wonderful family and this opportunity that he has presented for me to help them improve their health and wealth! I thank God that he has put me in a country where I have the opportunity to grow a business that can help me, my family and so many others be free of weight, health issues, and financail difficulty. Saba is a company that I know will help us continue to improve our health, lives and finances for years to come. I didn't even know I wanted a business but I am sure glad I took the step! And so I say LET FREEDOM RING!
Please contact me if I can help you with any of your health or wealth needs! 256-338-9687 or
Monday, July 2, 2012
Fat Flush Diet- Success or Failure?
I am starting this blog post on Wednesday June 27th because today is our first day on the Fat Flush diet. It is a five day cleanse created by Clark Bartram in order to cleanse toxins from your body and kick start weight loss. You can do the Fat Flush diet any time but we decided to do it now because Donald hit a little bit of slump last week and I put a few pounds back on over the last few weeks. Although, I had decided that I didn't care, as long as I stayed within five pounds of my goal, I thought this would be a good time to try this program out.
Although his weight was 198.2 the last weigh in, he was at 201.0 this morning so we will start with that. I was at 143.8. So we will see what the results are on Monday morning.
First, I will tell you that sugar free dressing is VERY hard to find! I finally found Walden Farms at Walmart. At our Walmart, it was with the marinades instead of the salad dressings. They had four flavors and since I knew I didn't like Bleu Cheese with sugar, I bought a bottle each of Ranch, Raspberry Vingarette, and Honey Mustard. They have a lot more flavors on their website.
I also purchased No Sugar Added grapefruit juice, grape fruit, lots of salad fixins, and the green, red, and yellow vegetables that we like. You will also need either V-8 or skim milk, turkey bacon, eggs, and any kind of meat you prefer.
Saba Borojo and grapefruit juice. Not too bad. Very filling and not dissapointing at all.
Lunch was 8 oz water and a salad with chicken and half a grapefruit. We used the ranch sugar free dressing. I have got to say it was not bad! Although, I will tell you that the grapefruit puckered my mouth. It didn't bother Donald. I didn't have any problem with the juice so I will be sticking with that, since either is fine.
The hardest part so far has been that long span between lunch and dinner. I am used to having a snack and you don't get one.
Dinner was good though, with 8 oz water, fish, squash, salad and grapefruit juice. This time we used the Honey Mustard. It was good too! I am sufficiently impressed with Walden Farms sugar free dressing.
The evening was pretty easy because you get to eat as much veggies and salad as you can hold at dinner and we had church to keep occupied.
Evening snack is either skim milk or V-8 (yuk) Donald did one, I did the other. Along with that you drink another 8 oz water, take two Co-Clenz capsules and Saba Pom.
For some reason, I did not sleep well at all this first night. For one thing, I was up peeing every hour. Besides that, I seemed to never really get fully asleep. I am not going to say that it was the Co-Clenz because I often have disprupted sleep but usually I sleep well and just wake up around 3 am for a while. Just in case, I will start on weekend next time when I have nothing to do the next day.
This day was also harder for Donald. He ended up working until after midnight and we did not prepare for that. He did not have anything with him to eat for dinner and did not go anywhere that he could buy anything. He said that he was hungry for awhile and then it passed. It was so late when he got home and he was so tired that he didn't eat at all. He just drank his juice and took his Co-Clenz.
This day was easier for me. I was cleaning and organizing so I kept busy. I ate what I was supposed to at all meals. We did leave late in the afternoon to take some stuff to the thrift store so I ended up eating out. I had the forsight to take my own dressing and we went KFC! I had grilled chicken, green beans and salad! I stayed on it even eating out! I was very pleased.
Donald did better today. Even though he worked past dinner, we packed him two salads. This is really a good thing because he said that taking Co-Clenz after not having eaten in 12 hours tends to cleanse you a little more than is comfortable.. (I am kinda hoping he doesn't read this part lol) Besides, I am sure that going with that little nutrients can't be good for you when working in this kind of heat!
However, we started a new class at church. Of course there were all kinds of snacks there. Chips, crackers, candy bars, other candy and soft drinks. AND- I was the one that took them! I am the cooridinator for this class and I had planned to have snacks way before we started this flush. I was afraid that they would really mess with our heads. We came through it just great. We both commented on how it didn't even bother us! I was so proud of us both! We came home and ate our dinner AND looked forward to our glass of milk. I will say though, that I am glad that tomorrow is the 5th day. Not that it has been hard but I am ready to not have to think about it so hard.
Until...... we went shopping for some part that Donald needed for his Jeep and they didn't have it in the town that was 30 minutes south of us. But they had it in the town that is 30 minutes north of us. So we turned around and headed north for an hour and it was 6:30 by the time we had the part. So we went to Wally World and bought a new bottle of sugar free dressing and headed to KFC. Grilled chicken, green beans, and side salad never tasted so good. Walden Farms also makes a very good Sugar Free Thousand Island.
All in all, this cleanse was not as hard as I imagined. For me, the hardest part was the time between lunch and dinner. That was the longest that I had to go without eating anything. Although I could eat as much as I needed at the meals and really wasn't that hungry, I was just used to having a snack around 3:00. Of course Donald reports that the hardest part for him was the night that we were not prepared for him to work late. I can not stress how important it has been for us to think ahead to stay on this diet for even five days.
Even with that being the case, we feel that the flush was very worth it. I am down below my orignal goal, giving me flexibility while eating. Donald is within 4.8 pounds of his original goal and has even decided that he may take it down another 5 pounds. I am so proud of him!He looks GREAT! We both feel great! We are ready to jump back on our ACE this morning and continue to get healthier and better every day!
Total Fat Flush loss -6.2 Total Fat Flush loss -5.2
If you are ready to kickstart your weight loss, you have hit a plateau or just want to get a few pounds off really fast this cleanse is for you. Now is the time to order everything you need for this Fat Flush!
one bottle of Sabe Pomegranate Juice (to assure that you get the nutrients you need),
one bottle of ACE (to keep the weight coming off)
a copy of the Fat Flush Diet.
Please contact me directly if you will not require shipping.
Although his weight was 198.2 the last weigh in, he was at 201.0 this morning so we will start with that. I was at 143.8. So we will see what the results are on Monday morning.
What it is
During the time you participate in the Fat Flush Diet you eat three meals basically consisting of meat and vegetables with grapefruit or grapefruit juice at every meal. You take the Saba Pomegranate juice and Co-Clenz every day. You can take the Borojo but that is optional. We are taking the Borojo because we were already taking it. You DO NOT take ACE during the five days of the Fat Flush. It basically eliminates all sugar and carbs for those five days. You use sugar free dressing on your salad and cook your vegetables in real butter but that is the only condiments and flavoring used.Getting Prepared
First, I will tell you that sugar free dressing is VERY hard to find! I finally found Walden Farms at Walmart. At our Walmart, it was with the marinades instead of the salad dressings. They had four flavors and since I knew I didn't like Bleu Cheese with sugar, I bought a bottle each of Ranch, Raspberry Vingarette, and Honey Mustard. They have a lot more flavors on their website.
I also purchased No Sugar Added grapefruit juice, grape fruit, lots of salad fixins, and the green, red, and yellow vegetables that we like. You will also need either V-8 or skim milk, turkey bacon, eggs, and any kind of meat you prefer.
1st Day
So we begin with everything we are supposed to have for breakfast, 8 oz water, turkey bacon, eggs,Saba Borojo and grapefruit juice. Not too bad. Very filling and not dissapointing at all.
Lunch was 8 oz water and a salad with chicken and half a grapefruit. We used the ranch sugar free dressing. I have got to say it was not bad! Although, I will tell you that the grapefruit puckered my mouth. It didn't bother Donald. I didn't have any problem with the juice so I will be sticking with that, since either is fine.
The hardest part so far has been that long span between lunch and dinner. I am used to having a snack and you don't get one.
Dinner was good though, with 8 oz water, fish, squash, salad and grapefruit juice. This time we used the Honey Mustard. It was good too! I am sufficiently impressed with Walden Farms sugar free dressing.
The evening was pretty easy because you get to eat as much veggies and salad as you can hold at dinner and we had church to keep occupied.
Evening snack is either skim milk or V-8 (yuk) Donald did one, I did the other. Along with that you drink another 8 oz water, take two Co-Clenz capsules and Saba Pom.
For some reason, I did not sleep well at all this first night. For one thing, I was up peeing every hour. Besides that, I seemed to never really get fully asleep. I am not going to say that it was the Co-Clenz because I often have disprupted sleep but usually I sleep well and just wake up around 3 am for a while. Just in case, I will start on weekend next time when I have nothing to do the next day.
2nd Day
This day was a little harder for me. I had a training session for Saba/ACE in Georgia which meant a 3 1/2 hour drive both ways. What do you want to do on a trip? Snack! Luckily I had thought ahead and packed a grilled chicken salad for lunch and dinner. I made it through without messing up! I did heat up and eat some asparagus when I got home since I didn't get my vegetable.This day was also harder for Donald. He ended up working until after midnight and we did not prepare for that. He did not have anything with him to eat for dinner and did not go anywhere that he could buy anything. He said that he was hungry for awhile and then it passed. It was so late when he got home and he was so tired that he didn't eat at all. He just drank his juice and took his Co-Clenz.
3rd Day
We weren't supposed to but both Donald and I weighed this morning! I was down 4 pounds and he was down 6! Wow, that is just two days.This day was easier for me. I was cleaning and organizing so I kept busy. I ate what I was supposed to at all meals. We did leave late in the afternoon to take some stuff to the thrift store so I ended up eating out. I had the forsight to take my own dressing and we went KFC! I had grilled chicken, green beans and salad! I stayed on it even eating out! I was very pleased.
Donald did better today. Even though he worked past dinner, we packed him two salads. This is really a good thing because he said that taking Co-Clenz after not having eaten in 12 hours tends to cleanse you a little more than is comfortable.. (I am kinda hoping he doesn't read this part lol) Besides, I am sure that going with that little nutrients can't be good for you when working in this kind of heat!
4th Day
Donald ended up off work today so we did some shopping amd were able to stay on the Fat Flush fine. We thought ahead and took the salad that I had made for his lunch with us and had a little picnic.However, we started a new class at church. Of course there were all kinds of snacks there. Chips, crackers, candy bars, other candy and soft drinks. AND- I was the one that took them! I am the cooridinator for this class and I had planned to have snacks way before we started this flush. I was afraid that they would really mess with our heads. We came through it just great. We both commented on how it didn't even bother us! I was so proud of us both! We came home and ate our dinner AND looked forward to our glass of milk. I will say though, that I am glad that tomorrow is the 5th day. Not that it has been hard but I am ready to not have to think about it so hard.
5th Day
The last day was Sunday. This made the Fat Fush a little harder on us for several reasons. First, Donald is off work and everything is off schedule when he is at home. Second, Sunday is usually our off day. We eat what we want and don't worry about it. Lastly, we had church and on top of that we had a guest speaker. I thuroughly enjoyed his message and absolutely love God, Jesus and my church family. Don't get me wrong. However, this speaker went about an hour over our usual time and by the time we got home at 1:30, we were starving. We came home and ate our salad and drank our grapefruit juice and all was fine.Until...... we went shopping for some part that Donald needed for his Jeep and they didn't have it in the town that was 30 minutes south of us. But they had it in the town that is 30 minutes north of us. So we turned around and headed north for an hour and it was 6:30 by the time we had the part. So we went to Wally World and bought a new bottle of sugar free dressing and headed to KFC. Grilled chicken, green beans, and side salad never tasted so good. Walden Farms also makes a very good Sugar Free Thousand Island.
To Sum Things Up
We are both very proud to report that we made it through the entire five days of the Fat Flush diet. There was one night that Donald's work prevented him from eating his dinner and that caused an upset stomach the next day. Also, on the night that I ate KFC and also on the night that we both did, we had to drink our grapefruit juice when we got home. When looking for grapefruit juice we discovered that the grapefruit juice that is packaged in the individual bottles like they sell in the service stations are not "no sugar added". So we didn't chance it.All in all, this cleanse was not as hard as I imagined. For me, the hardest part was the time between lunch and dinner. That was the longest that I had to go without eating anything. Although I could eat as much as I needed at the meals and really wasn't that hungry, I was just used to having a snack around 3:00. Of course Donald reports that the hardest part for him was the night that we were not prepared for him to work late. I can not stress how important it has been for us to think ahead to stay on this diet for even five days.
The End Results
Was it all that we had hoped it was? Well to be perfectly honest this morning we were a little dissapointed. Yesterday I was down 5 pounds and Donald was down 7. This morning it was a little less than that. We believe that it may be due to eating at KFC last night. We both feel bloated this morning. I feel sure that we probably had more salt last night than we have in the past five days. I can feel it in my fingers, if you know what I mean. I think this was a great alternative given the situation, however, maybe it was not the best choice of meal the night before the official weigh in. I fell sure that if we had of had time to really drink our water afterwards and flush out the sodium, the scale would have read differently.Even with that being the case, we feel that the flush was very worth it. I am down below my orignal goal, giving me flexibility while eating. Donald is within 4.8 pounds of his original goal and has even decided that he may take it down another 5 pounds. I am so proud of him!He looks GREAT! We both feel great! We are ready to jump back on our ACE this morning and continue to get healthier and better every day!
Total Fat Flush loss -6.2 Total Fat Flush loss -5.2
Want to try it?
If you are ready to kickstart your weight loss, you have hit a plateau or just want to get a few pounds off really fast this cleanse is for you. Now is the time to order everything you need for this Fat Flush!

You will recieve :
one bottle of Co-Clenz (to kick your cleanse into gear),one bottle of Sabe Pomegranate Juice (to assure that you get the nutrients you need),
one bottle of ACE (to keep the weight coming off)
a copy of the Fat Flush Diet.
Everything you need to lose 5-10 pounds in 5 days for
plus 6.95 shipping. (if applicable)
Please contact me directly if you will not require shipping.
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